Homeopathy: the most frequently asked questions

Homeopathy is an alternative therapeutic method, so much criticized by some, as loved and followed by others, which sees its origin at the turn of the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth, with the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann.

At the base of homeopathy there is the principle “similia similibus curantur” (trad: the likes are cured with the likes) known as the “principle of similarity of the drug”. Summarizing the meaning of this principle to the maximum, it can be said that the substances used lose their toxicity, to the advantage of the possibility of treating the individual while respecting his complexity.

As we have anticipated before, homeopathic medicine has created, to generalize, two camps, leaving on the one hand perplexed and opposed all the followers of the scientific method, as it seems not to have sufficient bases to corroborate its theories, but at the same time, however, the number of people who decide to rely on homeopathic treatments is increasing. Here are, in this regard, some of the questions that are most frequently asked to those who work, professionally, in the homeopathic field.

Why are there all these discordant opinions about homeopathic medicine?

This is an aspect that certainly ends up weakening its potential and its diffusion. It derives from the fact that many homeopaths are unable to detach themselves from the partial and organicist vision of traditional medicine, precisely for this reason divided into many specialized branches, autonomous from each other. In addition, there are also those who, to uncritically comply with the requests of patients, most of whom are unaware of their real complexity, even end up combining the two systems of care, the homeopathic and the allopathic, in situations that instead could benefit maximum from the use of only the first of the two, which indeed, in integration with common drugs, many times it can find a tenacious obstacle to its therapeutic action.

Does homeopathy use more natural, and therefore light, remedies for the body, compared to common drugs?

The substances that homeopathy uses, and that derive from all three kingdoms of nature, therefore animal, mineral and vegetable, are actually among the most pathogenic for humans, having the ability, if administered at massive dosages, and / or repeatedly, to alter the organism in its complexity, to the point of being able to be, in some cases, even potentially lethal. It is instead the particular process of dilution and shaking, also called dynamization, identified by Hahnemann, which transforms them into extremely effective and at the same time safe therapeutic remedies, when their prescription, however, is made in compliance with very specific laws.

In which cases is homeopathy particularly suitable, and in which cases is it better to resort to traditional medicine?

More than individual diseases, homeopathy, which in reality has a very wide field of application, provides its greatest services in some types of patients, starting with children, who respond well and promptly to treatment, to pass to all those people of all ages who become progressively familiar with human reality, and appreciate the particular way of disposing themselves towards the individual pathologies of the most complete and experienced homeopaths, and more generally all those who wish to get the most out of their abilities in every area of human action, and at the same time delay as much as possible that process of aging of tissues, which predisposes them to the most serious and serious pathologies of advanced age.

Why, in conclusion, should a patient rely on homeopathic care?

Perhaps it would be better to reformulate this question by asking why there is a need to turn to an experienced homeopath every time you decide to follow a homeopathic treatment that, as we have seen, is the one most able to respect him as a person, and proves useful in many pathological situations, regardless of the possibility or not of resorting to synthetic medicines. The complexity of the individual, in fact, and of his existential dynamics, as well as the in-depth knowledge of the remedies of greatest use, in comparison with each other, is the only way that can lead to an effective and safe homeopathic therapy, something to which, for what has just been said, a patient, who will obviously possess his own skills, can never fully reach.


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