The color of the menstruation reveals the state of health

The body sends signals to let you know that something is wrong. As in the case of the color of menstruation, a mirror of women’s health.

The color of your period works like a litmus test and will help you understand if you have any problems . This is due to the fact that the blood of the menstrual fluid is composed of a large amount of body waste such as, for example: lipids, proteins, hormones (including progesterone), stem cells, water, dead endometrial cells and other acidic organic substances.

In other words, the quality of the cycle’s blood is very useful in assessing whether a woman’s lifestyle is adequate or if it presents any possible risks.

By observing the color of menstruation it will therefore be possible to evaluate the impact of eating habits, daily activities and products used or ingested.

The problem, if anything, is that  few women pay attention to the color of their menstrual blood .

Other times, in a rather superficial way, they do not speak to the gynecologist, in the hope that any anomalies will pass by themselves, over time. Be careful never to underestimate the signals your body sends you.

Below, we will talk about the importance of keeping this aspect of your intimacy under control .

The color of the blood of menstruation

There are 3 key aspects not to be overlooked: abundance, color and texture. But how do you know if everything is normal?

What signals must be taken into consideration to raise the alarm? Do you need to check these three elements every month?

In order to address the issue in a concrete way, it is good to clarify each point in a simple way. Let’s start then, by establishing the key points of these three main characteristics of the cycle :

  • Amount of blood. There are some periods that are very scarce and others that are more abundant, which is completely normal. At least as long as this swing is constant. But if it suddenly changes, beware. If you don’t consume enough fluids, your blood quantities will be very low. Conversely, if the flow is excessive, it is possible that you have problems in some organs.
  • Why does the color change? In general terms, this depends on the state of the liver. If this organ is not properly hydrated or has higher temperatures than normal, the color of your period will change.
  • Consistency. When the menstrual flow is discharged, you will also be releasing some of the energy that is stored in the body. If you play very intense sports, the flow will be more liquid. The presence of clots, on the other hand, could be due to stress.

Types of color of menstruation

1. Pinkish color

Usually, this type of cycle lasts more than two days . If it occurs on a regular basis, it can be a sign of weakness and low defenses.

But if, suddenly, the color of the blood changes and turns pink, it is possible that there is an early pregnancy. Otherwise we are faced with hormonal changes or a possible infection.

2. The color of menstruation: deep red

Such an intense shade of menstrual flow means that the blood has just been expelled. It has a light texture and is a very common situation. There is nothing to worry about.

3. Dark red

If the color of the menstruation has a purple touch and a dry appearance, it means that the liquid is not fresh . For some reason, it stayed longer in the uterus and, at the time of being expelled, it appears with this color. Usually, this can be an accumulation of remnants from the previous menstrual period.

4. Dark coffee color

This color of vagienal discharge is absolutely normal if it occurs at the end of the period. The amount of flow is reduced and nears its end. Usually this is the endometrial tissue , which must be expelled from the body in order to be renewed.

5. The color of menstruation: orange

Only in some cases, the blood accumulated on the cervix can mix with menstrual blood . Thus, it is possible that a heterogeneous secretion is formed, in which orange and red streaks are distinguished.

If the orange tone is stronger, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist because it is possible that it is an infection.

Tips for having a good period

First and foremost, remember to maintain good hydration. Many recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

It is also worth resorting to hot herbal teas, as in addition to hydration, they promote blood circulation, increasing the frequency of urination and deflating the area.

Also, try to take care of your diet, favoring healthy foods and avoiding excesses. Keep in mind that sudden dietary changes can alter your emotions and physical state, including the color of your period.

We advise you to consume foods rich in tryptophan, such as: cereals, bread and rice, as they promote the production of serotonin.

Also, stay away from foods with too much saturated fat . Junk food and menstruation are a combination to be avoided at all costs, since this mix can promote constipation and estrogen reduction.

Another aspect you should think about is rest . In this sense, try to get enough sleep every day. It is important to rest to strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and promote good heart function.

Finally, don’t forget to exercise. Walking or running outdoors will help you release tension. Also, if you do physical activity, whether at home or in the gym, your body will release endorphins, which will help relieve menstrual pain.

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