While it may seem harmless to us, holding urine for a long time can cause inflammation and cause kidney problems.
The kidneys are the organs that are in charge of working around the clock to filter waste that travels through the bloodstream.
It is estimated that they filter about 190 liters of blood per day and that of these they eliminate two liters of water and toxins.
They also play a very important role in the production of some hormones and, in turn, are essential for regulating blood pressure .
However, like other organs in the body, their functions can be impaired due to the development of certain diseases and excessive accumulation of waste.
The problem is that many ignore the treatments needed to keep the kidneys healthy and, in fact, adopt some habits that compromise their health.
The most worrying aspect is that every day they suffer a significant deterioration which, even if it is not perceived at first, ends up reducing their quality of life.
For this reason, today we want to dedicate this space to 6 habits that, in some way, damage the health of the kidneys.
Discover them!
1. Insufficient water consumption
Insufficient water consumption is one of the factors that most affects the appearance of kidney and urinary tract problems.
This vital liquid is essential for an excellent detoxification process and, together with the kidneys, is in charge of removing toxins present in the blood.
Dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones and, in turn, increases the risk of infections and inflammatory problems.
- Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.
- Increase your consumption of water-rich fruits and vegetables.
- Ingest healthy drinks like tea or fruity waters.
2. Excessive ingestion of salt
Although for many it is a harmless habit, the truth is that the accumulation of sodium in the body can cause severe renal and cardiovascular imbalances .
Eating foods with high salt content is a direct cause of high blood pressure and water retention.
These conditions are associated with poor functioning of the kidneys which, hampered by excess sodium, reduce its ability to remove excess minerals through urine.
- Replace refined table salt with Himalayan or sea salt .
- Avoid taking more than 3 grams of salt per day (half a tablespoon).
- Look for healthier alternatives to flavor your dishes, such as spices.
3. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
Although the main effects of alcoholic beverages occur in the liver, the kidneys are also affected by the toxins they contain.
The habitual and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol can cause kidney failure and severe tissue damage.
Moderate or avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, including red wine.
4. Ingestion of red meat
Although red meat contains some nutrients that are good for the body, consuming it in large quantities can promote the development of metabolic and kidney problems.
The excess of proteins and fats increases the work of the excretory organs and, as a result, reduces their ability to eliminate toxins.
On the other hand, these are foods with high levels of purines which, once assimilated by the body, turn into uric acid .
This substance gradually accumulates in the tissues and can cause chronic conditions such as kidney stones and gout.
- Consume a maximum of two portions of meat per week
- Replace red meat with healthier options like chicken, fish, or turkey.
5. Retain urine
Retaining urine is a very dangerous habit that, although it seems to have no negative effects at first, produces inflammation and kidney problems.
Although in some cases it is not possible to go to the bathroom immediately, the ideal is to do it as soon as possible, to avoid consequences for the system.
Holding urine for a long time and frequently increases the pressure in the urinary passages and damages the kidneys and bladder.
- Go to the bathroom as soon as your body asks.
- Avoid consuming excessive fluids when you don’t have a bathroom nearby.
6. Abuse of analgesics
Analgesic drugs reduce many common pains, but unfortunately, they cause side effects when taken in excess .
Their chemical compounds must be metabolized in the body and, many times, cause kidney and liver difficulties.
- Minimize the consumption of analgesic drugs.
- Whenever possible, replace these medications with natural remedies such as infusions.
Do you identify any of these practices? If so, try to correct them as soon as possible to prevent kidney problems.