The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis is obtained from mercury, the well-known liquid metal at room temperature. In Homeopathy it is used in case of pathologies characterized by excessive and foul-smelling secretions as in some disorders of the throat and mouth, with involvement of the corresponding lymph nodes.
Mercurius solubilis: properties and curiosities
Mercury, also called quicksilver because of its color and mobility, is the only common metal that occurs in a liquid state at ordinary temperature. It is not an excellent conductor of heat, while it is for electricity so much so that it is used for the realization of switches, electrodes and batteries.
It has long been used for the manufacture of many everyday objects including the dough for dental fillings. Unfortunately, due to the pollution of water by man, mercury is present in some fish such as tuna and swordfish. This is because mercury is found in industrial processing waste and in pesticides that poison the sea and land. A particularly well-known case of environmental pollution is that of Minamata, a Japanese village in Kumamoto prefecture, where the chemical industry Chisso Corporation was located, which used mercury cells in the chlorine-soda production process and which discharged wastewater directly into the bay for more than thirty years.
Given its density, mercury is still used in the production of various measuring instruments, such as barometers, sphygmomanometers and diffusion pumps, while, due to its toxicity, since 2009 it has been forbidden to use it in common thermometers to measure fever.
Between the 1700s and 1800s, mercury was used for the production of felt hats in a process called “carroting”.” This process consisted of soaking the skins of animals in an orange-colored solution of mercury nitrate to separate the hair from the skin. The toxicity of this solution and its vapors poisoned many hat makers who had symptoms such as tremors and emotional instability, which apparently inspired Lewis Carroll for the character of the Mad Hatter in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Mercury is extracted from cinnabar, a toxic mineral with a reddish appearance belonging to the class of sulphides. In fact, in nature it is found near the mouths of volcanoes and hot springs in countries such as Spain, Italy, the United States, Peru and China. This metal, known since the ancient Chinese and Hindus, was even found in an Egyptian tomb. Although it is a toxic substance, in the past it was used to treat syphilis and to stimulate the body’s secretions.
Mercurius solubilis : homeopathic remedy and properties
Mercurius solubilis in Homeopathy replaces mercury dichloride, which is too toxic even at low doses. It is obtained from mercury nitrate from which the precipitate is obtained. This grayish solute is filtered, dried and reduced to powder to obtain the homeopathic remedy. Although in disagreement with the name, the final preparation is a whitish powder, insoluble in water or alcohol.
It is a very important remedy in the history of Homeopathy because it seems that Hahnemann, father of this medical discipline, began his studies on infinitesimal doses starting from mercury, at the time widely used in the form of nitrate in the treatment of syphilis.
Mercurius solubilis acts on disorders accompanied by foul-smelling, burning and profuse secretions characterized by an associated sensitivity to heat and cold.
The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis is particularly indicated for throat and mouth disorders such as:
- abundant salivation;
- canker sores;
- gingivitis;
- bad breath;
- tonsillitis;
- tooth loss due to gum infections;
- swollen and reddened throat;
- painful ulcers of the throat.
Other secondary uses of this remedy are:
- convulsive coughs;
- neuralgic pains;
- fevers with foul-smelling sweating;
- swollen glands;
- congestive and oppressive headaches;
- joint pain;
- earache with foul-smelling secretions.
Mercurius solubilis is an excellent homeopathic remedy for eye disorders such as chronic conjunctivitis with reddened and swollen eyelids or in the case of irritated and watery eyes. It is also a valuable aid against colds or allergies that involve secretions of burning and watery mucus or sneezing that irritate the mucous membranes.
This remedy is also recommended for skin discomforts such as encrusted lesions on the scalp, rashes, acne, blisters with pus, open wounds or painful and itchy ulcers.
Mercurius solubilis: constitutional type
The constitutional type Mercurius solubilis generally has blond hair, smooth, soft skin, and a thin nose. He often suffers from pharyngitis, rhinitis, canker sores, gingivitis, gastroenteritis, eczema, psoriasis and acne. Usually, these symptoms:
- they worsen the night in a warm bed, in the fresh air and with sweating;
- they improve with rest and lying down.
This subject, although restless and anxious, tends not to reveal his emotional states, appearing detached and serene. The Mercurius solubilis type needs order and stability to control its deep insecurity that often makes it suspicious and distrustful in personal relationships. For this reason, he does not like to be contradicted and can have very violent attacks of anger against those who offend him.