What is Abies canadensis?
The homeopathic remedy Abies canadensis is mainly used to treat stomach disorders. Patients are very hungry and tend to overeat.
The fresh young twigs and fresh bark of the Helmlock fir are used to produce the homeopathic remedy Abies canadensis. The pine tree is native to Canada and Europe.
leading symptoms
- feeling of fullness in the stomach and intestines
- Pain in right shoulder blade
- sensitive to cold
- skin cold and damp
- Marked weakness
- Just want to lie down
- Uterine displacements as a result of weakness and poor nutrition
information about the agent
How do you recognize patients who need Abies canadensis?
Abies canadensis – Patients are grumpy and irritable. You are exhausted from mental work. During the night they are very restless, otherwise they are rather quiet types. They are prone to rash actions and mental confusion.
Abies canadensis – Children lack self-confidence and are often insecure at school. They are shy and often feel neglected. Children suffer particularly when their parents fight.
Abies canadensis is indicated for all typical symptoms that are ameliorated or aggravated by the following modalities:Improvement:
- By tightening the legs
- By pressing against the abdomen
- Sitting and standing for long periods
What are typical uses for Abies canadensis?
- upset stomach
- urinary incontinence
Areas of application in detail
urinary incontinence
Patients cannot hold their urine while straining and laughing. They also need to go to the toilet more frequently, both during the day and at night.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Gastrointestinal complaints
The patients have a large appetite and feel nagging hunger. They have a craving for pickled vegetables and meat. They tend to overeat and then suffer from bloating, burning stomach pain and palpitations.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
application information
Dosage forms of Abies canadensis
In classical homeopathy, Abies canadensis is mainly used in the form of globules. A dose of the remedy consists of three globules.
Abies canadensis dosage
Acute complaints are treated with potencies 6X or 12X of the homeopathic remedy Abies canadensis. The remedy can be given in the potency D6 up to three times a day. The potency D12 is usually administered only once or twice a day.
Abies canadensis effect
Abies canadensis acts on the lining of the stomach and bladder.
Abies canadensis during pregnancy
The homeopathic remedy Abies canadensis is not a remedy for the treatment of typical pregnancy symptoms. It can be given to pregnant women who have an increased appetite and eat more than is good for them. After eating, there is burning stomach pain and palpitations.
Abies canadensis for the baby
Abies canadensis is not usually used in babies and children.
Abies canadensis for dogs, horses and cats
Abies canadensis can be given to animals that eat more than they can handle. After eating, the abdomen is bloated and the animals are visibly in pain.
Side effects of Abies canadensis
No side effects have been observed with treatment with Abies canadensis. At the beginning of the intake, there may be a temporary worsening of the symptoms. An overdose can cause a worsening of the condition.
Similar means
Abies canadensis and Aconitum have a similar cold sensation during fever. Patients feel like waves of icy cold flow through them.
China officinalis
Abies canadensis and China offinicalis develop profuse night sweats with fever. In Abies canadensis, the skin is sticky and moist, while in China, severe debilitation from fever is the dominant feature.
Typical potencies:
Abies canadensis is often used in potencies 6X and 12X, more rarely in 8X.
fabric type: pine family