Moon diet: what it is and how to do it

The influence of the moon is usually related to the time of childbirth in pregnant women, changes in the tides or our mood. But the moon can also be used to lose a few kilos quickly by taking advantage of changes in the lunar phase.

In the diet of the moon, the phases of the new moon and the full moon are used to fast. This does not mean that the moon has any kind of influence on our metabolism or our way of gaining or losing weight, it is only used as a reference to mark the time between one fast and another.

If you do not want to go on a diet, but need to lose a little weight in a timely manner, the moon diet may interest you. If you want to know everything about the moon diet, what it is and how to do it , don’t miss the following article in which we tell you everything about this new diet.

What is the moon diet

The moon diet is a type of diet based on the lunar cycle. In general, it consists of fasting for 26 hours that coincide with the phase changes of the moon: during the change to a full moon and during the change to a new moon. During these fasting periods, only liquids are allowed.

The reason for taking lunar cycles as a reference is because the new moon phase lasts three days and is related to the detoxification period that the body experiences. In addition to that, the full moon is associated with fulfillment, achievement and is symbolically considered the perfect stage for beginnings.

How to do the moon diet

If you have decided to do the moon diet, there are a series of guidelines or indications that you must take into account so that the result is as expected. Remember that this diet is based on two main fasting days in the month complemented with support fasts. The rest of the month is eaten in a balanced way.

How to do the new moon and full moon fast

These are some of the instructions that you have to follow to know how to fast on the moon diet:

  • The fast should last a total of 26 hours.
  • The fast begins one hour before the start of the lunar phase. During the fasting period solid foods are not allowed, you can only ingest liquids. You should drink at least two liters of water and drink infusions, vegetable broths or natural juices without sugar.
  • During the fast you cannot consume salt, sweeteners, sugar, caffeine, soft drinks, energy drinks, dairy products, non-natural juices, chewing gum, syrups or soy-based drinks.
  • Fasting should be done twice a month: once when the change to the full moon occurs and the other when the phase change is to the new moon.
  • During the full moon and new moon phases is when the most weight is lost. We recommend weighing yourself in the morning before you eat or drink anything and note your weight before and after fasting.

Maintenance during the month

To stay during the month you can do what are called “support fasts” or “half fasts”. You must do these fasts when the phase change is to the first quarter and when the change is to the last quarter.

Support fasts, which last the same length as main fasts, are not just liquid fasts. In these periods you can eat some foods such as fruits, salads, vegetable broths, jellies or yogurts. The important thing is that you do not mix them. Choose the food you want to eat and eat only that to supplement support fasts.

If you are overweight and want to do the moon diet, it is important that you take into account its contraindications. Pregnant women, lactating people, minors or people with chronic pathologies or diseases should refrain from doing this diet. Consult your doctor for advice on this.

Does the moon diet work?

As in all new diets or diets popularized by influencers, it must be made clear that these methods do not have a scientific basis that supports their effectiveness. Whenever you want to start a new diet, it is advisable to consult your GP who can advise you if this diet is suitable for your needs and give you some guidelines so that the result is as expected.

The effectiveness of this diet is based on its ability to purify and avoid fluid retention that fasts have. The loss of fluid that occurs with this diet can achieve a very specific weight loss of around 2 kilos. In that sense, it can be considered that it works.

However, as with other diets, it is necessary to remember that not all bodies are the same or react in the same way to a change in diet. In addition, it is not a diet that can be extended over time, since any fasting diet is to be carried out at specific times.

We must not forget that for this diet to be healthy, fasting periods must be accompanied by a balanced and varied diet, as well as a constant exercise routine.

Healthy Living

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