What is Omega 9: foods rich in Omega 9

The benefits of omegas 3, 6 and 9 are the best known, although the latter is perhaps the least known among the fatty acids within the omegas. The foods that contain them are increasingly widespread among society. For example, of omega 3 it is known that vegetable oil and oily fish are two of the main foods that contain it and its consumption favors health care, since thanks to its properties these foods protect and strengthen the heart and a correct blood circulation, as well as the skin and other relevant aspects for optimal health. Everything that omega 6 contributes to the human body with properties that favor the immune system and other anti-inflammatory functions is also known in detail. Nevertheless, Omega 9 fatty acid is the least known of these three and is equally important in maintaining a healthy life. What exactly is this type of omega? What are its benefits? If you want to know all this and know what foods with omega 9 you can consume, we recommend you read this interesting article.

what is omega 9

Omega 9 is a fat whose chemical structure has a double pathway, that is, it is monounsaturated. Its function is decisive in the management of cholesterol by the body, since it favors its regulation. It manifests itself primarily in two ways: oleic and erucic acid. The first is the most recommended and, surely, the most present in your diet. The omega 9 fats that you should consume are 15% of your total daily calories, which means about 30 grams in a diet that is around 2,000 calories.

Popular ignorance of this omega compared to 3 and 6 may be due to the fact that the human body can synthesize it. Instead, the other two are only captured through food, so they are considered essential in food.

Benefits of omega 9 and its properties

All foods with omega 9 have many benefits for your health. The main one is linked to cholesterol, but, as a summary, these are the main benefits of omega 9 :

  • Reduces LDL or popularly known as bad cholesterol.
  • It also regulates the triglycerides present in the blood, which favors the prevention of cardiovascular problems and diseases.
  • On the other hand, it increases cholesterol called HDL or good cholesterol. In this way, it prevents the arteries from becoming saturated and keeps them in good condition.
  • It also lowers high blood pressure and helps protect the membrane of red blood cells.

Properties of omega 9

Omega 9 also provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In addition, it is a great ally to alleviate health problems related to the skin, such as dermatitis and psoriasis. These fatty acids are highly recommended if you suffer from gastrointestinal problems or constipation, because they regulate intestinal transit .

Lastly, regular consumption of omega 9 helps to reduce the risk of the appearance of certain diseases and reduce their symptoms, such as diseases that affect brain function or neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Also if you suffer from anxiety and stress problems, you will find in this fat a great ally for your well-being.

Foods with omega 9 – list

After knowing what these fatty acids really are and the benefits they bring to your body, we want to give you a list of foods rich in omega 9 so that you can introduce them into your diet in the way that most interests you.

Oils with omega 9

  • Olive oil: it is the main food by which the body absorbs this fat. Most of its composition is oleic acids (80%). If you want to include it in your selection, keep in mind that it is ideal for dressing salads because it is better to consume it raw than cooked.
  • Other vegetable oils: sunflower, considered “high oleic” (also contains 80%). You can also opt for argan, almond, peanut, soy or basic sunflower oil, but the amount of oleic acids that these oils contain is somewhat lower.

Fruits and fruits with omega 9 oleic acid

  • Avocado: for every 200 grams, it contains 30 oleic acid.
  • Hazelnuts: contain 45 grams of oleic acid, pistachios 34 and almonds 33 per 100 grams of each food.
  • Olives, pine nuts and peanuts contain around 20 grams per 100.
  • Walnuts have 10 grams per 100.

Plants with omega 9

Certain vegetables contain omega 9. Although to a lesser extent than the foods listed above, they are another source with which you can nourish yourself with these fatty acids. Some of the best known in the culinary field are the following:

  • Tiger nuts: you can eat them fresh or take them with horchata.
  • Okra: is a vegetable similar to a pepper and is consumed in some stews and soups.
  • Nettles: you can eat them in creams, soups or infusions.
  • Evening primrose: you can find it in oils.
  • The lycopodium: a plant considered medicinal and that is mainly used to treat some problems related to the skin.

Omega 9 is also found in the fats of some animals, such as oily fish, and can help you reach the daily dose you need of these fatty acids. Even so, it is important that you control your consumption since, in its composition, there are also saturated fats that can pose a problem in your goal of maintaining a healthy life.

In addition, you can take omega 9 in capsules, as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.


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