Senega in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Senega?

The homeopathic remedy Senega is mainly used to treat upper respiratory tract infections. It is an important remedy for diseases of the eyes, the symptoms of which improve when the head is bent backwards.

leading symptoms

  • Chronic respiratory infections with rattles and tough, thick mucus
  • Sneeze at the end of the cough
  • Burning pains in the chest
  • contentious

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Senega?

Senega goes well with lively, cheerful, slim and tall women and with old people.

Adults are easily offended, argumentative and anxious.

Children are often fat and chubby. They cry easily and their mood changes quickly.


Senega is indicated for all typical symptoms that are improved or worsened by the following modalities:


  • backward bending of the head
  • Sweat


  • Breathing in fresh, cold air
  • wind
  • Print
  • contact
  • quiet
  • walking outdoors

What are typical areas of application for Senega?

  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Sniffles
  • Sore throat
  • herpes

Areas of application in detail


Asthma or bronchitis with cough and thick, sticky phlegm. Prolonged sneezing at the end of a fit of coughing. Painful chest.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Sore throat

Burning sore throat associated with hoarseness and pain when speaking.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Burning blisters in the corners of the mouth and on the lips.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 


Runny nose with frequent sneezing and much watery nasal secretion. The nostrils burn.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Senega

The homeopathic remedy Senega is mainly prescribed as globules.

Dosage of Senega

The homeopathic remedy Senega is usually taken three times a day in the 6X potency and twice a day in the 12X potency. As soon as the symptoms improve, the drug is taken less frequently.

Effect of Senega

Senega acts on the respiratory tract, the eyes and the skin.

Senega in pregnancy

Senega is rarely used during pregnancy.

Senega for the baby

Senega is not a common remedy for children. It is prescribed in rare cases for childhood asthma, which worsens every autumn.

Senega for dog, horse and cat

Senega is an important remedy for facial nerve paralysis in animals. Paralysis is usually unilateral, affecting the eye, ear, and lips. One-sided drooling and swallowing difficulties are often noticed in the animals.

Side Effects of Senega

So far there is no evidence of side effects when taking Senega. At the beginning of the treatment there may be a short-term worsening of the symptoms. Overdosing can lead to long-lasting exacerbation. Senega can then no longer be taken.

Similar means to Senega

Arum triphyllum

For a burning sore throat associated with a dry cough, Arum triphyllum is similar to Senega. With Arum triphyllum, the cough is not so pronounced, but the larynx is very sensitive to touch.

Antimonium tartaricum

In bronchitis and asthma, Senega and Antimonium tartaricum are similar. Antimonium tartaricum is indicated for great prostration and fluttering of the nostrils. The symptoms improve with Antimonium tartaricum by coughing up mucus from the bronchi. Symptoms worse in warm room. 

Typical potencies: Senega D6 and Senega D12 are commonly used.

fabric type: plant


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