Aphthae are painful blisters on the oral mucosa. They stand alone or in groups. They occur mainly in the context of infections, but can also occur without any other illness. Mouth ulcers usually go away on their own within two weeks. However, there is a great risk of relapse. The cause of the development of aphthae is unknown. Stress, infections and some foods are considered triggers for the development of the painful blisters. Homeopathic remedies support the healing of aphthae and serve to relieve pain.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for canker sores that best suits your situation.
Sores that bleed easily when touched or when eaten. The mouth is tender and hot to the touch. Bitter taste in the mouth.
Aphtae and blisters on the inside of the lips. Tongue is thickly coated with brown.
Sulfuric acid
Aphthae and easily bleeding gums. pus discharges. Foul smelling breath.
With burning pain
Arsenicum album
Aphthae with burning pains. Dry mouth. Thirst for small sips of water. Metallic taste in the mouth. Better from warm drinks and heat.
Aphthae with burning pains. Bad taste in mouth and foul smelling breath. The lips are bright red, dry and burning. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning. The tongue is white coated. The tongue tip and edges are red.
Sodium chlorate
Aphthae on the tongue, with burning pains. The lips are dry and cracked. great thirst. No improvement after drinking.
With sharp pains
Sodium phosphoricum
Aphtae on the lips, on the inside of the cheeks and the tip of the tongue. Stinging pain and trouble swallowing.
Excessive salivation and bad breath
Mouth ulcers in teething children. Irritability and piercing crying. Profuse salivation during the night. Better by carrying around.
Mercurius solubilis
Spongy ulcers that bleed easily. Inflamed oral mucosa. Pain when chewing and when touched. Foul smelling breath. Heavy salivation. The mouth is very moist, but there is still a great deal of thirst. Worse at night and from hot or cold drinks. Better with lukewarm drinks.
Acidum nitricum
Painful canker sores on side of tongue. Heavy, bloody salivation and foul breath. Accompanying often persistent inflammation of the corners of the mouth. Worse evening and night.
Canker sores and white coated tongue. More saliva flows. Metallic taste in the mouth. No thirst. Foul smelling breath.
Mercury corrosive
Reddened oral mucosa with many aphthae. Strong pain. Increased salivation and bad breath. Often accompanied by fever and increased sweating with foul-smelling sweat. Worse at night. Better from cold drinks.