Homeopathy Treatment for heart issues

The heart stumbles, races, or has stitches. Even healthy people sometimes experience these heart problems. In these cases, muscle tension is usually the cause. However, the symptoms can also indicate a disease of the heart, which should be clarified diagnostically.

Homeopathic remedies can be used concomitantly to stabilize the body and alleviate symptoms.

Which homeopathic remedies help?

Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for heart problems that best suits your situation.


Cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac enlargement due to thyroid dysfunction.

Abies nigra

Cutting pains in heart, as if a knife were penetrating chest and heart. Heavy pounding, slowed or accelerated heart rate. The symptoms often occur in older patients.

Iberis amara

Hard irregular heartbeat. The pounding may be externally visible in the heart area. After heart inflammation caused by infections (myocarditis, endocarditis) and in the case of an enlarged heart and valve insufficiency. For angina pectoris and nervous heart flutter.

Atropinum sulfuricum

Significantly slow heartbeat. One fears a cardiac arrest, develops great anxiety.

Capsella bursa pastoris

pain in the region of the heart. The heart feels enlarged.

Argent metallicum

The heart seems to stop at first, then beats very violently. The entire chest feels constricted. You can feel stitches in the chest.


Palpitations in connection with a feeling of heat, thirst and trembling all over the body.


Irritable cough and spasmodic, dry cough in heart disease. The patients suffer from shortness of breath. You gasp and put your hands on your heart. Sitting upright and fresh air improve shortness of breath. Physical exertion triggers feelings of tightness and pain in the chest.


Physical weakness with sudden onset of palpitations or palpitations.

Racing heart

Flor de piedra

Heart palpitations with a feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason, chest tightness, angina pectoris symptoms. The symptoms trigger great inner restlessness or arise from it.

Barium iodate

Heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia, also in the case of general heart failure.

Lycopus virginicus

Sudden onset of heart palpitations or palpitations, often around 4 a.m., that wakes you up. You feel like after a heavy physical exertion. The chest appears pinched. Also suitable for cardiac neuroses.

Cardiac insufficiency


Heart failure as a result of many years of valve defects and the associated blood pressure imbalances.


Incipient cardiac insufficiency (cardiac insufficiency) with edema, coughing and sleep disturbances. Patients feel suffocated when they fall asleep. You wake up startled and gasp for air.

Collinsonia canadensis

Functional heart problems with attacks of cardiac insufficiency, a feeling of pressure in the heart area and shortness of breath. Aggravated by every little movement.

Potassium nitrate

Heart failure with a tendency to collapse. Stitching pains in the region of the heart. Palpitations at night that can only be relieved by sitting up.


Heart failure with edema formation.

Heart stabbing


Bacterial inflammation of the heart muscle or the inner and outer skin of the heart. There is stabbing pain in the heart area that radiates to the left arm. Sensation of tightness in the chest with constant racing heart and hard throbbing.

Adonis vernalis

Rapid pulse with an irregular heartbeat and scary palpitations. The symptoms can be triggered by an underlying disease such as an overactive thyroid gland or heart valve defects. Also for nervous heart problems. You get out of breath quickly. Edema formation due to heart failure. Supports the heart in febrile illnesses.


Stinging, boring pains at the apex of the heart, drawing into the left arm. For acute inflammation of the heart muscle or inner lining of the heart and rheumatic heart diseases. Violent heartbeat with extrasystoles, shortness of breath and chest tightness (angina pectoris).

With a feeling of anxiety


Inflammation of the heart muscle, heart palpitations and heart spasms with constricting pain (angina pectoris). Also indicated for heart anxiety.

Latrodectus mactans

heart scare. Cardiac neurosis, angina pectoris, tearing heart pain radiating to the upper left extremity. The left side of the chest cramps and hurts, combined with fear of death.

Ammonium carbonicum

Strong palpitations and accelerated, hard pulse, combined with great feelings of anxiety / fear of death. tendency to collapse.


Feeling of heart tightness and angina pectoris symptoms. The heart pain radiates into the left arm. The heart problems are usually triggered by flatulence.


Feelings of oppression throughout the chest. Initially, there was a strong racing / pounding heart, then a strong slowdown with a clearly noticeable pulse and a feeling of cold. The cycle threatens to collapse. Also for neurotic heart problems.

Scutellaria lateriflora

Exertion causes chest tightness and paroxysmal pain in the heart region. The heartbeat is irregular, staggering. One feels the heart beating uncomfortably and disturbingly.

Well tripudians

Rush of blood to the head, headache, shortness of breath and a dry, hacking cough in the case of heart disease. Paroxysmal pains that extend to the neck, left shoulder and left arm. The patients are afraid of death. They cannot lie on their left side without their symptoms worsening drastically and they are very sensitive to cold.


Patients complain of palpitations, shortness of breath, stabbing pains and feelings of tightness in the chest.

Vipera berus

Angina pectoris attacks with shooting pains in the heart and great anxiety. The body is freezing and covered with cold sweat. Those affected are very weak.

Nervous heart problems


Palpitations, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest due to fear or nervousness.

Convallaria majalis

Nervous heart problems and cardiac insufficiency with shortness of breath and edema.

Coronary heart disease

Coronary artery disease (CHD) is one of the most common heart diseases. The cold and physical and mental stress gradually lead to narrowing of the coronary arteries.

Symptoms of coronary artery disease
CAD is accompanied by

  • severe pain behind the breastbone,
  • respiratory distress and
  • a dull feeling of pressure.

The pain can radiate down the arms to the fingertips, shoulders and neck. It is a brief pain that goes away with rest.

Causes of coronary artery disease

The cause lies in hardening of the arteries in the coronary arteries, which is caused by risk factors such as

  • Smoking,
  • hypertension,
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • diabetes mellitus or
  • an unhealthy diet is encouraged.

The possible consequences can be a heart attack, heart failure or sudden cardiac death.

Symptoms of functional heart problems

If the heart problems are not caused by physical diseases, they are functional heart problems, the so-called cardiac neurosis. Typical symptoms are

  • tachycardia,
  • Tremble,
  • restlessness _
  • shortness of breath,
  • sweating (break a sweat),
  • increased heart rate
  • an oppressive feeling and
  • Chest pain (chest pain).

These symptoms occur with exertion as well as with rest.

Causes of functional heart problems

are psychological in nature. so can

  • professional problems,
  • inner conflicts,
  • fears,
  • depression or
  • Stress can be just as much the trigger for a cardiac neurosis as that
  • loss of a loved one.


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