Considered one of the milestones in Ayurveda, Andrographis paniculata is a herb that has been used in Asia for its important properties for millennia. Inside its leaves, in fact, we can find various phytochemical and antioxidant compounds useful for the body.
In China it was traditionally used to treat typically winter infections and ailments.
Almost completely, however, ignored in Western practice, this plant has been re-evaluated following various scientific studies that have highlighted its effectiveness, in particular, its immunostimulating, antioxidant and antimicrobial functions.
Andrographis paniculata: plant
Andrographis paniculata is a shrubby plant belonging to the Andrographis genus and, in particular, to the Acanthaceae family. The latter has about 40 species, but Andrographis paniculata is the most appreciated for its beneficial health properties. Native to India and Sri Lanka, since ancient times, it is in fact used in Ayurveda and in Traditional Chinese Medicine , as a natural remedy against bacterial infections, inflammation, winter ailments and intestinal disorders.
It is an annual plant that can grow up to one and a half meters in height. Its leaves have a very bitter taste and, in fact, in Sri Lanka, it is better known as Kalmegh , which means “king of bitters”.
Andrographis paniculata: Green Chiretta
There are several denominations with which Andrographis paniculata is indicated. Here are the various names with which we can find it:
- green chiretta in folk medicine
- Chuan Xin Lian in traditional Chinese medicine
- Kalmegh in Ayurvedic medicine
- Nila-Vembu , for its strong bitter taste.
Andrographis paniculata: properties
Of the Andrographis paniculata, leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. The active components of interest are flavonoids and diterpencic lactones. Among these, the main active ingredient is Andrographolide, which has shown immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and neoplastic action.
Used together with other anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antiviral herbal remedies, this plant is a powerful ally of our immune system.
We summarize below the properties of Andrographis paniculata:
- immunostimulating
- anti-inflammatory
- antibacterial
- antioxidant
- pesticide
- hepatoprotective
Andrographis paniculata: benefits
For millennia, the active part contained in the leaves has been used in oriental medicine for the treatment of infections and inflammations of various types, in case of fever, cold and diarrhea. Furthermore, it is also useful in cases of ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and diseases of the immune system.
At this point, let’s see more specifically the cases in which we can benefit from it.
- strengthens the immune system
- it is a powerful antagonist against the cold sore virus. In this case, touches with the mother tincture or the oil obtained from it are useful
- counteracts free radicals and damage caused by oxidative stress
- relieves the symptoms of some acute respiratory tract infections, such as colds, flu, pharyngitis, tonsillitis …
- it is a natural anti-inflammatory because it reduces inflammation caused by the release of histamine, one of the main mediators of inflammation within the body
- relieves the symptoms of ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease)
- has immunostimulating effects
- protects the liver as it stimulates and regulates bile secretion, promotes the regeneration of liver tissues and blocks the communication and replication of viruses that affect the liver
- it has a strong antimalarial action as it would reduce the proliferation of parasites responsible for malaria (such as Plasmodium falciparum ). In this sense, traditional Indian medicine considers it even more effective than the classic quinine
Andrographis paniculata: supplement
From an integration point of view, Andrographis panniculata represents a valid aid to be considered in a more complete and complex general framework rather than as a single solution. On the market we can find it in the form of capsules, extracts and herbal teas, but also in many supplements.
Andrographis paniculata: covid
Surely, strengthening the immune system is the first step to stay healthy, especially in this period characterized by the fear of coming into contact with the Sars Covid 19 virus. This certainly does not mean that Andrographis paniculata is an effective remedy. to counter this virus, but certainly, it is a good help to strengthen our defenses, against any virus, including, precisely, that of Covid.
Our sense of responsibility, personal and social, must therefore lead us to support our immune system because, over the years or when we are going through a particularly stressful or demanding period, it tends to weaken.
Where to buy
Andrographis paniculata extracts and supplements are found in herbal medicine and health food stores, in capsule, powder, or tincture form. Obviously, you can also easily find it directly online.
Andrographis paniculata: dosages
The action of Andrographis paniculata varies according to the dosage taken.
In low doses (1 capsule per day) it is very useful as a preventive remedy to strengthen the immune system. For this purpose, it can be used alone or in combination with other natural remedies. The advice is to leave at the end of the summer, alternating treatment cycles lasting about a month with one or more weeks of suspension, for the entire duration of the winter season.
Higher dosages, on the other hand, are useful for the anti-inflammatory action. It is therefore effective not only for diseases of the respiratory tract and in immunostimulation, but also in cases of chronic inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, for the powder, the ideal dose should not exceed 2 grams per day. To prepare the infusion, use 5 grams of product to be left to infuse for about 15 minutes in 250 mg of water. Then it is filtered and drunk once a day. To prepare the tea, you can also use the tincture, to the extent of 2.5-5 ml per day.
In any case, first consult your doctor for indications tailored to specific situations and personal needs.
Andrographis paniculata: contraindications
Side effects include headache, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset and a bitter / metallic taste in the mouth. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Furthermore, those suffering from ulcer or gastritis, should take this extract on a full stomach to avoid any exacerbation of the usual discomfort.
Finally, those suffering from autoimmune diseases or chronic diseases of various types, it is good that you consult your doctor before using it since it is a plant capable of stimulating the immune system.