Avena Sativa in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Avena sativa?

Avena sativa is considered a tonic homeopathic remedy that focuses on the central nervous system and potency. It is used in depressive states, nervousness, in convalescence, after pregnancy and insomnia. In contrast to conventional sleeping pills, barbiturates or opiates, Avena sativa has no side effects. Avena sativa is one of the rarely used homeopathic single remedies and is found more frequently in complex remedies.

Leading symptoms

  • Nervous exhaustion
  • Physical exhaustion after debilitating illnesses
  • Nervous tremors in the elderly
  • insomnia

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Avena sativa?

An official appearance or drug profile of Avena sativa, recorded according to homeopathic guidelines, is currently not available. The typical symptoms include a nervous restlessness associated with numb limbs.

Avena sativa adults are mentally exhausted and suffer from insomnia. You have trouble concentrating.

There are no separate findings on Avena sativa children .


Avena sativa is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:Improvement:

  • not listed


  • mental effort

What are typical uses for Avena sativa?

  • states of exhaustion
  • insomnia
  • loss of appetite

Areas of application in detail


Lowering of the blood sugar level in diabetes mellitus type I and II. Suitable as a positive accompanying agent.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Gastrointestinal complaints

Irritable stomach associated with loss of appetite. Even with a chronic lack of appetite, as occurs with mild anorexia nervosa.

Psychosomatic constipation. Applies as prophylaxis of colon carcinoma.
Diabetes: Lowering of the blood sugar level in diabetes mellitus type I and II. Suitable as a positive accompanying agent.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Smoking cessation

Relief of nervous withdrawal symptoms. Also suitable for other stimulants or drug withdrawal, eg alcohol, opium-based tranquilizers or sleeping pills.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Sleep disorders

Light sleep that is interrupted frequently and for a long time, lack of deep sleep phase. Difficulty falling asleep from brooding.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Application information

Dosage forms of Avena sativa

The best effect of Avena sativa is achieved with the administration of the mother tincture or low potencies. The effectiveness is deepened and accelerated with the simultaneous administration of alfalfa in low potency (D2).

Avena sativa dosage

Avena sativa is given half an hour before bedtime with 20 drops of the mother tincture diluted in water. In the case of chronic exhaustion, it is recommended to take the mother tincture three times a day (5 to 10 drops) spread over the day. Alternatively, five globules D4, maximum D12, can be administered three times a day. The administration of high potencies is rather unusual.

Avena sativa effect

Avena sativa acts on the central nervous system.

Avena sativa during pregnancy

Avena sativa is suitable for insomnia and anxiety during pregnancy. However, the remedy is mainly given after childbirth, when the mother is severely exhausted.

Avena sativa for the baby

Avena sativa is given to babies who have trouble staying asleep. Babies toss and turn in bed and find it difficult to fall asleep. They wake up frequently during the night.

Avena sativa for dogs, horses and cats

Avena sativa is given to animals for restlessness and insomnia. The remedy is used in states of exhaustion after long illnesses.

Avena sativa side effects

The drug shows no side effects or interactions with other drugs.

Similar means

Nux vomica

Nux vomica is indicated for insomnia after midnight. It is helpful for sleep disorders as a result of too much alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and energy drinks. Nux vomica helps with sleep problems in morning grouches and irritable, hypersensitive patients.


Chamomilla is more indicated for childhood insomnia. The kids are hyper and want to be carried around. They are extremely irritable and grumpy.

Typical potencies:Avena sativa is mostly used as a mother tincture, but also in the potencies 6X and 12X.

fabric type: medicinal plant, grain


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