Bee pollen: benefits and uses of this natural super tonic

Highly nourishing and remineralizing, bee pollen is a real natural supplement rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. It has a high antioxidant power, stimulates the immune system and lowers bad cholesterol levels. Let’s find out these and other properties of pollen together.

The term pollen derives from the Latin “pollen” which means “fine flour” or “very fine powder”; in fact it appears as a fine powder, of variable size, shape and color, from yellow to red, and with a sticky consistency.

Bee pollen is made up of microscopic granules that represent the set of male germ cells of spermatophytes, that is the most evolved plants of the vegetable kingdom characterized by the production of seeds.

Pollen is used for fertilization, through pollination, which represents the joining of the male part (pollen) with the female part (flowers or strobili), of the same plant or of different plants.

Foraging bees are the main pollinators. They collect plant pollen, mix it with saliva and nectar, producing bee pollen, which they take to the hive where it is needed to feed the larvae and to produce royal jelly.

Bee pollen: properties and benefits

Bee pollen is a rich and complete food from a nutritional point of view. 100 grams of pollen provide 285 kcal. It is made up of 25% -35% carbohydrates and approximately 30-40% of proteins and free amino acids.

The fat content is variable, as it depends on the type of plant, and ranges from 1 to 13%. Of these, about 70% is represented by unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid which is important for the health of the cardiovascular system.

In pollen we also find phytosterols, enzymes and antioxidants. This particular composition gives the pollen properties that can support health from many points of view. Let’s see in detail.

✓ It is energizing and restorative

Thanks to the presence of proteins, vitamins and minerals, the consumption of bee pollen is recommended to give strength and vigor in case of psycho-physical fatigue and to recover from convalescence.

Pollen is richer in protein than any animal source such as meat and eggs. Furthermore, it has all the essential amino acids, that is, those that our body cannot produce and must necessarily introduce with food. It is therefore useful as a supplement for athletes or during convalescence.

✓ Represents a natural multivitamin

Pollen is a powerful revitalizer thanks to its high vitamin content. There are vitamins of group B, beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Indicated in all those cases it is necessary to re-establish a nutritional balance. Furthermore, pollen improves sports performance as it increases endurance and recovery capacity.

✓ Reduces cholesterol

The consumption of bee pollen reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases thanks to the decrease in bad cholesterol levels exerted by the phytosterols contained.

✓ Has a powerful antioxidant action

Pollen contains numerous substances with antioxidant power, which therefore counteract the action of free radicals and consequently cellular aging and tumors. The most abundant are flavonoids, carotenes, lycopene and quercetin. Pollen also increases the production of glutathione, a tripeptide that is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the body.

✓ Helps to control body weight

The lecithin contained in the pollen helps to eliminate fat tissue while phenylalanine inhibits the stimulus of hunger.

✓ It is remineralizing

Thanks to the presence of minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Chromium, Copper and Potassium, pollen is able to replenish the salts lost with summer sweating or during a sporting activity.

✓ Promotes the development and growth of children

Being a food with high nutritional value, bee pollen can be used for optimal growth in children, especially when it is not possible to get them to eat everything because they have a tantrum or because they are intolerant to some food.

✓ Stimulates the functions of the immune system

Bee pollen, if taken regularly, increases the number of white blood cells and is a good help to support the immune system.

✓ Improve circulation

Pollen contains rutin, a substance that tones capillaries and improves their elasticity.

✓ Useful in prostatitis

Consumption of bee pollen has been shown to be effective in prostatitis and prostatic hypertrophy as it reduces pain and inflammation by inhibiting tissue growth.

✓ Stimulates brain functions

Thanks to its complex of nutrients, pollen increases concentration and memory. Therefore useful in periods of study or intense work.

✓ Useful in case of allergy

Pollen is rich in quercetin, a flavonoid with a high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. For this reason, it can be useful in cases of rhinitis and asthma.

Pollen allergy, which many people suffer from, refers to pollen carried by the wind and is therefore respiratory and non-food allergies (although this may exist).

How to use bee pollen

Pollen is found naturally, in granules, or in the form of tablets / pearls.

If you like the taste, the ideal would be to consume it natural alone or dissolved in a glass of water or in yogurt, chewing well and for a long time to facilitate digestion. If you really don’t like the taste, try to take freeze-dried and undried pollen, as the nutritional characteristics are less lost.

The best time to take pollen is in the morning, on an empty stomach, to fully benefit from its tonic and energizing effect. We recommend not dissolving it in too hot drinks to avoid losing valuable nutritional properties. To take advantage of all the properties of pollen, it is generally recommended to use it for a period of at least 1 consecutive month. The best times to take it are autumn and spring, that is, the periods in which the seasons change and with them the physical conditions.

It is always better to start taking it in small doses, to test your individual sensitivity, and gradually increase the dose up to the indicated dosage. For the doses, it is always better to rely on the indications on the label and hear the opinion of your trusted herbalist.

Pollen: Contraindications

Pollen is also not without its contraindications. In some cases there may be a food allergy to pollen, these are mostly multi-allergic and sensitive subjects. There is also a food intolerance to pollen which can cause nausea and abdominal pain, but it is not an allergic problem.

As we have seen above, those who are allergic to pollen can still consume bee pollen, provided however that there is no food intolerance to this product.

People with liver or kidney disease should consult their doctor before consuming food pollen, as should pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Bee pollen: sale and price

On the market, pollen is found both in the form of dried granules and tablets or capsules but also chewable tablets. Very often it is added with synthetic flavors to cover the flavor.

It can also be contaminated with pesticides or pesticides used in agriculture, or come from GMO plants. It is always better to buy pure, organic and possibly Italian pollen, non-GMO and, even better, from local beekeepers.

The price for a 200 gr package of good quality organic and Italian granulated pollen varies between 12 and 18 USD, depending on the manufacturer. On the market we can also find packages with different weights and, therefore, also different prices. You can buy pollen in health food stores or specialty stores, even online.


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