Caraway, or caraway, is a plant full of benefits. Find out more about the properties and uses of caraway.
Caraway comes from a very common plant in our country that grows spontaneously in meadows exposed to the sun. Caraway is also called caraway, due to its resemblance to the well-known Middle Eastern spice.
It is found in our latitudes up to 2000 meters high, although for herbal use it is cultivated in many countries of northern Europe. It blooms from May to September and the medicinal part is enclosed in the white flowers that resemble an umbrella in shape and are small elongated achenes.
Of the caraway you can also taste the leaves that can be eaten raw and the roots that can be eaten boiled. Caraway is used as a flavoring in the same way as cumin, but with a decidedly different flavor. Its use is famous for flavoring soups, vegetables and even bread, this is in fact a fundamental element for the bread of northern Europe.
Caraway: properties of caraway Caraway has also long been used as a natural remedy. Thanks to the richness of nutrients, caraway has numerous properties including digestive, antispasmodic and regulating properties of the intestine. The seeds are also expectorants and antiseptics and can be consumed simply by chewing them after a meal or in the form of a decoction or herbal tea.
In addition, caraway stimulates the appetite and helps breastfeeding women in the production of milk (galactogenic properties). It is also used as a remedy for diarrhea due to its disinfectant ability. Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, it is also suitable for use against colic in infants. Its antispasmodic properties then make it a valid ally even in case of menstrual pain. It is also possible to buy caraway essential oil or mother tincture, with properties very similar to seeds.
Caraway: uses and administration
Caraway can be used for different purposes and in different ways. In general, we can say that the dose allowed daily ranges from 1.5 grams up to a maximum of 6 grams.
- Infusion or decoction: it is recommended in case of menstrual pains or for digestive disorders. Prepare an herbal tea by infusing a teaspoon of chopped caraway seeds in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, filter and drink. The recommended dose is 2/4 cups a day;
- Gargle: always with the infusion or decoction it is possible to gargle to remove halitosis, even several times a day;
- Wraps: it is possible to make compresses with the decoction of caraway to heal hemorrhoids. Leave to act for a few minutes.
When taking caraway drops, the generally recommended dose is 10/15 drops for adults and 1 drop per year of age for children under 12 (with a maximum dose of 10 drops). Administration should be performed 3 or 4 times a day and in children at least 4 hours should elapse between each administration. The drops must be diluted in a little water and keep a few seconds in the mouth before swallowing. In any case, it is good to follow the instructions on the package. Before taking any type of dietary supplement, however, we recommend that you consult a specialist.
Carvi: contraindications
There are no contraindications related to the consumption of caraway, but as with any other natural element it is good to pay attention to allergies. It is also necessary to remember that before taking any remedy, even phytotherapeutic, it is good to consult your doctor or trusted homeopath. Administration is not recommended in case of liver disease.