Chamomilla in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

Chamomilla is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the mother tincture of Matricaria chamomilla, useful to promote sleep, prevent and treat dizziness and against poor digestion. Let’s find out more.

Description of Chamomilla

The homeopathic remedy Chamomilla is obtained from the tincture of the whole flowering plant of Matricaria chamomilla and from the subsequent dilutions and dynamizations in hydroalcoholic solution.

Matricaria Chamomilla, also called Common Chamomile or German Chamomile, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It grows spontaneously in the meadows and in the open countryside and adapts even to poor soils.

The Chamomile plant has several important active ingredients, contained above all in the essential oil that is obtained from the flowers, such as: chamazulene, responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action; alpha-bisabolol, a natural alcohol that due to its bactericidal, decongestant and soothing properties is useful for the treatment of delicate, sensitive or irritated skin, as well as as a protective factor of the gastric mucosa; several flavonoids, which have important antioxidant properties; coumarins, which give the characteristic sweet smell to the freshly cut plant and have spasmolytic properties; polysaccharides, which have an immuno stimulating and anti-inflammatory action and effects on the intestinal microflora.

When to use Chamomilla

Chamomilla is a homeopathic analgesic remedy, one of the most important against pain. It has a calming action on the entire nervous system and therefore is also suitable for symptoms caused by abuse of tea, coffee or narcotics. The homeopathic remedy Chamomilla is used in the following cases:

  • dizziness, headache, inflamed gums, inflammation of the palate, canker sores, bad breath. Inflamed and red eyes with pain, conjunctivitis, otitis, tooth pain in children and infants
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal system, pain and weight in the stomach, poor digestion, nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite, great thirst, intoxication and food abuse with abdominal spasms and bloating, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, colic, constipation
  • disorders of the female genital apparatus in correspondence with the menstrual cycle
  • sleep disorders, with insomnia and anguish, difficulty falling asleep, irritability and tantrums, crying of children.
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cramps especially at night, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica
  • respiratory disorders, colds, pharyngitis, cough, hoarseness
  • skin problems, rashes, boils, ulcers
  • urinary tract problems, urge to urinate with anxiety
  • disorders of the male genital apparatus

Doses and administration

In all acute cases, dilutions D3, D4, D6, 4CH or 6CH, 2-3 granules or 10 drops, even every quarter of an hour lengthening the time of administration with improvements. Typically, D3 dilution in drops is preferred to others.

In all chronic cases, dilutions 9CH, 15CH or 30CH, a dose every 2 – 3 days.

Who is Chamomilla recommended to

The subject Chamomilla is hypersensitive, touchy, irritable, choleric, prone to despair, does not want anyone close to him, does not want to be talked to him. The complexion of the skin tends to yellow, the hair is usually light or brown.

The remedy is suitable for all effects due to states of anger: diarrhea, colic, jaundice, muscle spasms, convulsions, cramps, colds. Children are excessively lively, they are always discontented and capricious, they scream and cry, they calm down laboriously.

Chamomilla works specifically for teething problems, the consequences of anger, poor digestion and all painful symptoms.

The symptoms improve with the heat, moving, going by car, those of children if carried in their arms, those gastroenteric with fasting.


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