Do-it-yourself tonic : recipes and ingredients to prepare a do-it-yourself tonic in the home. Natural tonic, products and advice for use.

For every skin, its do-it-yourself toner! We will see how to prepare a good toner for dry skin, combination skin or oily skin, as well as recipes based on chamomile, green tea and other natural ingredients.
For the preparation of a good DIY tonic, you must necessarily use distilled water because the tap water is too impure and would not have the desired effect. If you have an air conditioner at home, you can use the distilled water it generates, alternatively you can buy distilled water in the “cleaning and hygiene” department of the hypermarkets.
Do-it-yourself tonic for oily skin
For those with oily skin, a rosemary and lavender tonic can be ideal for counteracting acne and excessive sebum production. To prepare it, use 120 ml of distilled water, a tablespoon of dried lavender flowers, a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, 3 drops of lavender essential oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Prepare an infusion, strain and use when it has cooled down. Alternatively, you may find the use of sulfur soap very useful.
Do-it-yourself tonic for dry and sensitive skin
The tonic camomile is the easiest to prepare. It ensures a perfect emollient effect for those with dry skin. To prepare the do-it-yourself chamomile tonic, you need distilled water (avoid using tap water, which is too impure and rich in limestone) and three filters or 10 grams of dried chamomile flowers to add to 150 ml of water. Once the infusion is prepared (leave the filters or the flowers to infuse for 15 minutes), let it cool and use it as a tonic. It can be kept in the fridge for 3 – 5 days but be sure to keep it in an airtight glass container.
For an effect astringent : the tonic DIY to chamomile can be added to an astringent effect to contrast the unsightly enlarged pores, for this purpose add to the recipe a few drops of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar.
Do-it-yourself toner for combination skin
Prepare an infusion with 250 ml of distilled water and 3 green tea bags. In this way you will be able to obtain a good tonic ready to use. If you have large pores, you can add a few drops of lemon to the toner.
Lemon juice is an excellent astringent tonic, the only drawback is that it can burn so it is absolutely not suitable for those with dry or excessively sensitive skin. If combination skin is prone to dryness, do not use pure lemon juice but always dilute it in the natural tonic given by the infusion of green tea as described above. For those with combination skin tending to oily, you can consider the use of sulfur soap as recommended for those looking for natural tonics for oily skin.