Ginger is widely used in cooking and also in sectors such as beauty. But, in addition, it has many other properties that are beneficial for treating some health problems and discomforts. Among them, for example, are the digestive. But you have to be careful because not all conditions of the digestive system can be treated with this root. And it is that, in some cases, its use is especially contraindicated, even becoming harmful. Do not forget that it is a product with a strong aroma and something spicy, depending on the amount that we use, we can notice it more or less, which may cause some stomach discomfort. So is it good? Does ginger irritate the stomach?How can it be taken to reap its benefits?
Properties of ginger for the stomach and digestive system
Ginger has been used for centuries to treat problems of the stomach and, in general, of the digestive system. In fact, it has many properties and benefits, being one of the best foods that exist today to treat this type of ailment.
And it is that there are not a few positive effects that derive from the presence of phenolic compounds, as well as gingerol and shogaol, which are the ones that help treat gastrointestinal irritations or bile problems, avoid gastric contractions and stimulate the production of saliva to promote swallowing of food. For all these reasons, ginger is good for:
- Antibacterial: ginger has great antibacterial power, being very useful for treating all digestive system conditions that are caused by the presence of bacteria or other related microorganisms.
- Generator of good bacteria: ginger can not only kill bacteria that cause various discomforts and stomach problems, but it is also useful to increase the bacteria that are beneficial to the body. Specifically, those that are naturally present in the intestinal flora. In this way, it helps kill the bad bacteria that cause, for example, bouts of diarrhoea.
- Digestive: ginger also helps to improve digestion because, with its consumption, the pancreas is stimulated and there is an increase in the production of enzymes that facilitate digestion.
- For nausea: ginger is also very useful to end nausea and the desire to vomit.
- For heartburn: these discomforts can be combated with ginger, since it has a great capacity to neutralize and reduce excess gastric acid, which is generated in the stomach. It is even helpful in preventing ulcers.
However, despite all these benefits, it is important to know how to consume it well because it also has a series of contraindications when it is taken precisely for the digestive system. Thus, instead of alleviating all the discomforts that we have explained previously, it can accentuate them if its intake is done wrong. In the next section, we are going to talk about why ginger irritates the stomach if taken wrong.
Does ginger irritate the stomach? – the answer and precautions to take it
As we have mentioned in the previous section, ginger has benefits for the digestive system, but it can also cause discomfort. So does ginger irritate the stomach or not?
The key is that if it is taken too frequently or the quantity is abused, it can produce a very annoying irritation in the stomach. In this way, it is always recommended to make a moderate consumption and, above all, to act with caution.
And how much can you take? In general, the recommended dose is 4 grams of ginger per day for an adult to treat problems such as heartburn or nausea.
But be careful, because the consumption of these four grams of ginger includes everything that is eaten that contains it throughout that day: from cookies to infusions or as a condiment for a dish, as well as possible preparations in capsules or vitamin complexes, among the many other options available.
Not taking more than the recommended daily amount is especially important because several studies have shown that when you exceed four grams, some discomfort begins to appear. The most frequent and immediate stomach discomforts are:
- Mild, moderate, or stronger heartburn depending on the amount of ginger consumed.
- Stomach ache and similar stomach upsets. That is to say, it is noted that the stomach is not well, although there is no acidity.
- Gas in the form of belching.
In the face of any of these symptoms, you should stop taking ginger immediately not only that day, but also in the following ones. Thus, it will be necessary to look for an alternative to treat the ailments that you have.
The best way to take ginger without upsetting the stomach
Whether it is because you like to take ginger or because you want to benefit from all its health properties or treat some ailment of the digestive system, there is a way that is less likely to irritate the stomach. But remember: you should never exceed the recommended daily amount.
And this way is to take ginger in the form of an infusion. That is, you have to make a ginger tea, although it is actually a decoction. Its preparation is also very easy. You need:
- Fresh ginger (the four grams per day should be distributed throughout the day in several infusions because they are excessive for a single cup)
- A few drops of lemon juice
- Water
- a tablespoon of honey
These ingredients also have the advantage that they are also beneficial for the stomach, so the chances of the stomach becoming irritated are reduced.
- Put a saucepan or kettle with water to boil
- Add the ginger
- Let it boil for about five minutes
- After the time, remove from the heat and let stand for a few minutes.
- Strain the ginger infusion and add the drops of lemon and the tablespoon of honey
- Stir everything well and it’s ready to drink
With these explanations we hope to have answered you if ginger irritates the stomach. We always recommend that you consult your doctor about whether or not to take ginger because, although it is a natural product, it is not suitable for everyone, as is the case with people with circulatory system problems.