Fringed Violet is an Australian flower remedy made from Thysanotus tuberosus. Restores the aura damaged following trauma or shock and rotates from external influences and energies. Let’s find out better.
Description of the plant
Thysanotus tuberosus– It belongs to the Liliaceae family, blooms in spring and summer, loves open and sunny spaces, and is characterized by ephemeral beauty, as its elegant purple flowers open only for one morning. Widespread throughout Australia, except Tasmania, it is known as ‘common fringed lily’ or ‘purple fringed’ .
Slender and erect plant, with herbaceous leaves, about 14 cm tall, long and smooth stems that support the flowers ranging from mauve to purple and are made up of three fringed petals with delicate eyelashes.
The image of her eyelashes is reminiscent of the aura, and one of the main functions of the plant is precisely to restore the aura damaged following trauma or shock.
Property of Fringed Violet
- Restores the aura damaged following trauma or shock, recent or longstanding, by tracing back to the moment of the trauma and helping to eliminate its effects.
- It restores the physical and etheric body, realigning them after a shock, a strong fright, a trauma, an operation, anesthesia. Even in regression sessions to bring the person back to the present.
- It protects from external influences and energies of people, events, environments
- Useful for newborns, in which the aura remains open like the anterior fontanel, applying a few drops to the area.
- Protects and supports in case of particular events, such as an intervention or bad news, freeing you from even long-standing trauma (alone or using the Emergency compound that contains it)
- Fringed Violet is contained in the Ambient Purity, Electro, Emergency, Sexuality, Spirituality, Travel Compounds. In the Love System line it is in Dynamis morning Citrus cleansing serum (lemon), Gentle Purifying evening Rosa cleansing serum, Gentle Purifying face cleansing cream, Gentle smoothing exfoliating purifying face and body, Emergency room body spray, Travel environment body spray, Ambiente Purity room body spray , Emergency cream, Travel cream, Intensive hand cream for wonderful hands and nails
Preparation and use

In a 30 ml bottle, combine ¾ of natural water and ¼ of brandy to preserve the product; add 7 drops for each chosen flower. 7 drops of this personal blend are taken under the tongue, morning and evening, upon awakening and before bed.
The drops can also be applied locally as well, combined with neutral cream as a carrier, in the bath water or vaporized in the environment to create a harmonious place. They can also be prepared without brandy, making sure that they do not degrade (if necessary, the preparation is repeated). They can be diluted in a little water or herbal tea, even for children.
Associated with Flannel Flower, for men, or Wisteria, for women, for physical and non-physical or sexual abuse.
In association with Angelsword repairing what has already entered the energy field, Fringed Violet repairs the torn aura.
Together with Crowea, Waratah, Paw Paw, Mulla Mulla and Bush Fuchsia it helps to eliminate the effects of electromagnetic radiation that can affect the aura, reducing the vitality of the individual (pc, cell phones, cell towers and the like). The association corresponds to the Electro compound.