Many people seek natural help for a bladder infection. Homeopathy, for example, can help against the symptoms. Cantharis is the most commonly used homeopathic here. But a bladder infection can also be treated homeopathically with remedies such as Pulsatilla, Sepia or Staphysagria. Read everything you need to know about cystitis and homeopathy here!
When is homeopathy suitable for cystitis?
Homeopathy for cystitis is used both in one-off cases and in those with a tendency to frequently recurring urinary tract infections. In the case of a chronic disease, the treatment must be carried out by a trained homeopath after a detailed homeopathic anamnesis.
You should only use homeopathic globules against cystitis independently for uncomplicated infections that have arisen out of complete health. In most cases, it is then also clear what caused the complaints. This can be, for example, hypothermia from sitting on a cold stone or the combination of wet swimwear and a cold wind.
Sexual activity can also lead to pathogens entering the bladder via the urethra and triggering a bladder infection.
Those who can particularly benefit from treatment with homeopathy for cystitis are pregnant women, children and the elderly. In these cases, one wants to use conventional medicines (such as antibiotics) as sparingly as possible or not at all. But it is precisely these groups of people who often suffer from cystitis.
Important resources at a glance
Which globules are best suited for cystitis depends on the symptoms and triggers. It is important when making the selection, for example, whether the pain is burning, pressing, stabbing or cramping. They can appear in the lower abdomen or the urethra and radiate in different directions. Homeopathic remedies are selected to suit the individual symptoms.
In the following list you will find the most common homeopathic remedies for acute cystitis and in which cases they are used:
Aconitum is suitable for the following symptoms:
- at the first sign of bladder infection
- with violent burning in the bladder
- with cutting, tearing pains when urinating
- when children cry when they need to urinate for fear of the pain when urinating
- if the urine is hot, dark red, clear or bloody
- with a lot of thirst
- in case of a bladder infection after hypothermia
- in case of a bladder infection as a result of a fright
Apis is suitable for the following symptoms:
- with burning and stinging pain, already at the beginning of urination
- with frequent, painful urination
- when the urine is hot and only trickles
- when women often suffer from cystitis during menstruation
- when heat makes symptoms worse
- when the cold relieves the pain
- with little thirst
- if there is water retention (e.g. around the eyes or on the lower legs)
Arnica is suitable for the following symptoms:
- in cystitis after a mechanical injury
- with a constant urge to urinate, but the urine only comes out drop by drop
- if there is blood in the urine as a result of the injury
- with fear of touch
Belladonna is suitable for the following symptoms:
- with a constant urge to urinate
- when the urine drips
- when the urine burns along the urethra
- when the bladder is sensitive to pressure and shock
- when pain comes and goes all of a sudden
- if, after urinating, the affected person often remains seated and tries in vain to pass some more urine
- when the head is hot but the feet and hands are cold
Cantharis is suitable for the following symptoms:
- for pain in the urinary bladder before and after urination
- with cutting, burning, cramping pain
- when the patient draws up his legs and cries out in pain
- when every single drop of urine in the urethra burns like fire
- if the urge to urinate is caused by the slightest amount of urine in the bladder
- if the urine is often bloody
- when the patient is restless and changes position frequently
Dulcamara is suitable for the following symptoms:
- when cystitis occurs with every cold
- if the symptoms occur especially after cold wet weather
- if the symptoms often occur after hot days when it cools down in the evening
- if the sick person needs to go to the toilet quickly as soon as one cools down
- with a persistent urge to urinate
- with bloody urine
Lycopodium is suitable for the following symptoms:
- in case of pressure, heaviness and fullness in the bladder
- when you have to wait a long time for the urine to start flowing
- when the urine is cloudy and milky, foul-smelling, and has a reddish sandy sediment
- when children cry when they need to urinate
- if you sometimes involuntarily pass urine at night
- normal or low urine output during the day and frequent urination at night
- for flatulence and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen
Nux vomica
Nux vomica is suitable for the following symptoms:
- with a constant but unsuccessful urge to urinate when the urine comes out only in drops
- if the outlet of the bladder seems to be cramped after urinating
- if the symptoms are often triggered by staying in the cold
- if local heat applications improve the symptoms
Pulsatilla is suitable for the following symptoms:
- if the symptoms are extremely painful
- with spasmodic passage of urine, burning and stinging pain
- when every drop of urine in the bladder causes an urge to urinate
- if you urinate when you cough, sneeze or laugh
- with urging to urinate whenever lying on back
- if you feel as if you are going to urinate when you go to the toilet
- feeling as if the bladder is too full
- if the symptoms occur especially before menstruation
Sarsaparilla is suitable for the following symptoms:
- with unbearable pain at the end of urination
- when you cannot urinate while sitting
- if the urine drains well while standing
- when passing “reddish sand” with the urine
- if urine sometimes passes involuntarily at night
Sepia is suitable for the following symptoms:
- when you have to concentrate on your bladder because otherwise the urine will leak out involuntarily
- Urge to urinate, “as if the uterus were pushing outward”
- if you pass urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh
- when the urine is milky and burns like fire
- with sudden urging to urinate, with cutting as from knives, and shuddering all over the body
- if in women the symptoms get worse during menstruation
Staphysagria is suitable for the following symptoms:
- in cystitis after sexual intercourse
- especially in young women (after the first sexual experiences)
- when you feel like you are not finished after urinating
- when the passage of urine burns and bites
- if the urine is bloody
- with frequent and painful urination
- for burning pain that lasts between urinations
- when the complaints are prompted by indignation at the actions of others or of oneself
Homeopathy for cystitis: dosage
If you want to use homeopathy independently for a bladder infection, use low potencies: Take three globules of the potency 6X or 6C and let them melt under your tongue. You can repeat the intake every hour if necessary, but no more than ten times a day.
You can also use globules in the potency D12 independently for a bladder infection. Take three globules five to six times a day.
Higher potencies such as 30C, 200C or 1000C are suitable for the treatment of chronic or very severe cystitis. Homeopathic treatments with such high potencies are reserved for trained therapists: only take these potencies if the homeopath has prescribed them and the course of the disease is being medically monitored.
Homeopathy for cystitis: when to see a doctor?
In the case of a bladder infection, there is a risk that the inflammation will spread through the ureters to the kidneys. This is indicated, for example, by pain in the area of the back or at waist level: In such cases, you must see a doctor immediately! The same applies if you suddenly develop a high fever or chills. This can also be a sign that the infection is spreading to the kidneys.
Even if the symptoms in the area of the urinary bladder are very pronounced and the globules against cystitis do not show any clearly noticeable effect, you should see a doctor.
In the case of frequently recurring bladder infections, it is also necessary to have possible physical causes clarified by a doctor. The urologist can carry out the necessary examinations.
In most acute cases, it is worth trying homeopathy to treat the bladder infection. In mild cases of illness, alternative medical treatment is sometimes sufficient – together with general measures such as drinking a lot or putting on a hot-water bottle. Sometimes, however, conventional medical treatment is indispensable for a bladder infection. Homeopathy can then at least be used as an adjunct.