Whether it starts acutely, in the morning after getting up, or in an attack, dizziness is one of the symptoms that general practitioners complain about most often. In many cases, dizziness is harmless. Homeopathic medicines can help treat dizzy spells without a dangerous cause.
Too little sleep, physical and mental overstrain or even poorly adjusted glasses are examples of why dizzy spells can also occur in healthy people. People with low blood pressure are familiar with dizziness when they get out of bed too quickly in the morning.
Different types of dizziness
If no plausible reason can be found for the dizziness, if it occurs frequently or with certain movements, or if it is linked to other physical complaints, those affected should consult a doctor. This is the only way to find out whether it is a symptom of a serious illness.
Types of dizziness:
- Vertigo: Feeling like everything is spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise. Rotating vertigo sets in from one moment to the next, the attacks usually last a few seconds to hours.
- Vertigo: There is a sudden onset of unsteady balance and the feeling that the floor is shaking. Vertigo can occur at rest or in motion, standing and walking become unsteady. The seizures often only last a few seconds.
- Elevator dizziness: Typical is the sensation of being pulled down or up in an elevator, or falling forward or to the side.
- Positional vertigo: This type of vertigo occurs primarily in older people. Positional vertigo lasts only a few seconds and occurs after rapid movements of the head.
- Vertebral dizziness (cervical spine dizziness): Vertebral dizziness is very common and is caused by poor posture and tension in the neck or shoulders.
- Central vertigo: It is the result of damage to the brain.
- Psychogenic dizziness (anxiety vertigo): Caused by psychological stress.
Treat dizziness with homeopathy
If the dizziness is a symptom of an illness, it should be treated by a doctor. Accompanying the treatment of the underlying disease that caused it, homeopathy can be used to treat dizziness. Such treatment should be carried out by a trained homeopath. Homeopathy for dizziness can also help to eliminate the acute symptoms of dizziness and vertigo (dizziness with ringing in the ears, unsteady gait, sweating, nausea).
Globules, tablets or drops are available for homeopathic treatment of dizziness. In addition to homeopathic individual remedies, there are also homeopathic complex remedies in which different medicines are combined.
Homeopathic remedies for dizziness
Homeopathic remedies are selected based on the symptoms, so the same homeopathic remedy will not relieve dizziness, drowsiness and other ailments in every person and in every situation. The drug that best describes the symptoms should be chosen.
Homeopathic medicines can be used in acute cases or for recurring symptoms. The success of homeopathy should come quickly and noticeably. Depending on the course, the funds can be taken several times repeatedly. It is best to choose a low potency such as 6X, 12X or 30X.
The following remedies are suitable for dizziness:
- Dizziness when rising from a lying position, the red face becoming deathly pale
- Falling down from dizziness with fear of getting up again
- Blacking out and unconsciousness
- Dizziness from fright, falling, or concussion
- Dizziness from rush of blood, as in the sun
- Staggering to the right when bending
Argentum nitricum:
- Dizziness when looking at tall buildings
- great fear of high places
Apis mellifica:
- Dizziness when closing eyes, especially when lying down with eyes closed
- Dizziness on getting up from sitting and lying down
- Dizziness and tendency to faint when raising head
- Dizziness gets worse with the slightest movement
- tendency to fall backwards
- dry tongue, with thirst for large quantities
- Dizziness comes on very suddenly and is very strong
- Rush of blood to head with dizziness
- Dizziness with throbbing in head, dilated pupils and nausea
- Feeling like being rocked up and down in bed
- Sensation as if sinking with or through bed
- Tendency to fall to the left or backwards
- Objects sway back and forth
- Dizziness when turning or moving the head and when turning the eyes
- Sensation of spinning in circles
- when lying down, feeling as if the bed were turning
- Dizziness on turning in bed, looking around, getting up from a seat
- Dizziness when looking at moving objects
- Dizziness and fainting spells after blood loss
- Dizziness when tilting the head
- with dizziness, the head feels light and large
- with dizziness, vision is blurred
- when moving one has a feeling as if intoxicated
- loss of coordination
- feeling of falling
- Dizziness with bilious vomiting and pain in the liver
- stagger as if falling forward
- Dizziness when closing eyes, as if everything were going in circles
- Dizziness when trying to get up, has to stay in bed
- Things rotate, especially right to left
- accompanying confusion and nausea
- Vertigo especially when getting up from lying down
- Migraine with nausea and dizziness from driving in car, train, boat and so on
- seasickness
- Feeling of emptiness in head, stomach and chest
- extreme aversion to food, nausea from smell of food
- transient dizziness with going black before the eyes
- Feeling as if all objects would stop in front of you
- it becomes black before your eyes
- very red face and cold feet
- everything turns, one fears to fall
- Dizziness in warm room
Natrum muriaticum:
- Dizziness with flickering before eyes
- objects rotate
- tendency to fall forward
- Dizziness from straining the eyes
Nux vomica:
- Dizziness when rising from a seated position and when raising the head
- Dizziness with loss of vision or hearing
- you have to hold on to keep from falling
- the objects around you seem to move
- you fall forward, sideways or backwards
- Triggers are indigestion, constipation, alcohol, tobacco, smell of flowers or gasoline, mental overstrain
- severe dizziness forces one to lie down
- Feeling like everything is going in circles
- Feeling as if you are flying or floating in the air
- Fainting spell with dizziness on getting up
- Dizziness when looking up and down
- Feeling like the chair you are sitting on is getting higher and higher
- Feeling like falling forward
- stagger while walking, everything spins
- triggered by strong odor and mental exertion
- Vertigo in occiput, as if intoxicated, as if seasick
- extremely violent dizziness, as if intoxicated or as if one had been spinning in circles for a long time
- Aggravation sitting and lying down, better walking in open air
- Dizziness from indigestion with vomiting
- Dizziness when eyes are turned up
- Dizziness to the point of fainting, with nausea
- Dizziness creeps up the spine into the head
- tendency to fall forward
- worse with eyes closed, ceases on opening eyes
- Dizziness with nausea
- one cannot spin quickly because of dizziness without fear of falling
- Dizziness with prolonged nausea and headache, then spasmodic vomiting
- Dizziness when head is turned rapidly, on rising, lying down, and during sleep
- Dizziness with tendency to faint
- Dizziness in cold weather and with migraines
- going out into the fresh air or standing for a while makes you dizzy
- Head feels numb when getting up in the morning and dizzy when you stand up
- Dizziness when lying on back
- Dizziness with pronounced heaviness of the head
- weakness to the point of unconsciousness
- Dizziness on getting up and looking up
- through increased tobacco use
- Dizziness with sweating
- severe nausea with profuse vomiting
Be sure to see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:
- Dizziness occurs suddenly and for no apparent reason
- sometimes the ground shakes under your feet or the environment rotates
- Dizziness occurs with certain head movements
- Accompanying complaints such as nausea, headaches, earaches, hearing problems, drowsiness, fainting, fever, tiredness, palpitations or shortness of breath are added
- Dizziness occurs during an illness such as otitis media, flu, or herpes zoster
- Dizziness occurs in very specific situations such as in the elevator, in crowds or before important appointments