Itching can be a symptom of skin diseases or internal diseases. Homeopathic medicines can help to reduce itching naturally and have many uses.
Whether it occurs all over the body, on mucous membranes or just on a small area of skin: itching is very unpleasant and can drive those affected to despair. Although itching is harmless in most cases, the annoying feeling on the skin can also be due to diseases.
How does itching occur?
Itching (Latin pruritus) is a sensory sensation of the skin. Superficial nerve endings in the skin react to different messenger substances that are activated by skin irritation or blood changes.
The information is transported via the nerves of the spinal cord to different parts of the brain, where an abnormal sensation on the skin is immediately reported and the desire to scratch is triggered.
Itching fulfills an important warning function by drawing attention to foreign bodies such as insects, parasites or harmful skin deposits. So you can remove them by scratching. In addition to this healthy response of the body to noxious stimuli, however, there are countless other causes of pruritus.
What diseases can itching be a symptom of?
Itching can appear all over the body. However, there are areas of the body where itching is particularly common. These are in particular the head and face, forearms and lower legs as well as the genital and anal region.
Causes of itching can be cold weather and dry heating air as well as excessive hygiene. So-called dry age is also common. But itching is also a side effect of most skin diseases and numerous internal diseases.
Typical itchy skin diseases are eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, scabies, hives and sun allergy. However, metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction or liver diseases are also associated with pruritus. Infectious diseases such as chickenpox or fungal infections also cause itching, and allergies and insect bites can also cause the skin to itch very badly.
Itching can also be a side effect of certain medications or a response to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or menopause.
How can homeopathy help?
Homeopathic medicines can alleviate the tormenting itching, but also influence the triggering causes. If the itching is relieved quickly, the well-being of those affected increases and the need to scratch can be suppressed. This prevents skin infections and far-reaching consequences such as sleep disorders and concentration difficulties.
When choosing the homeopathic medicine, the individual symptoms are used. Characteristic physical, emotional and mental characteristics determine which affected person needs which homeopathic medicine.
In the case of acute itching, this should subside quickly and significantly with homeopathic treatment; in the case of prolonged pruritus, the itching gradually disappears over the course of the therapy. Homeopathic medicines are well suited to supplement other therapies.
How to use homeopathic medicines for itching?
Homeopathic medicines for itching are available as globules, tablets or drops. But there is also the possibility of using liquid homeopathic remedies for dressings, spraying the skin with them or using ointments and creams with homeopathic ingredients.
In classical homeopathy, homeopathic remedies are used individually. In the case of acute itching, low potencies (4X, 6X, 6X, 12X, 12X) can be used and, in the case of severe symptoms, repeated every half hour until the itching is relieved. The easiest way to use it is with globules or tablets, but external use can also be repeated in this way.
If the itching persists or if the pruritus occurs as part of a serious illness, it is advisable to seek the help of an experienced homeopath in addition to conventional medical therapy and to have the success of the treatment and the course of the triggering illness checked closely.
Various complex remedies are offered in which different homeopathic remedies for itching are mixed in different potencies. In this way, a broad spectrum of activity is achieved. Complex agents are well suited for self-treatment and are used according to the package insert.
Which homeopathic remedies are suitable for itching?
Many homeopathic medicines can help with itching. In order to select a suitable remedy, one must compare the symptoms of the remedy with the symptoms that occur. In some cases there are remedies that help particularly often.
If the itching is related to allergies, for example, remedies such as Apis, Arsenicum album, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla or Sulfur can help.
Itchy insect bites respond particularly well to Apis, Ledum or Staphysagria, while for itchy rashes Ledum, Rhus toxicodendrum, Graphites and Sulfur are often appropriate.
If it is hives, Apis, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulfur or Urtica urens are commonly used remedies.
These are the main homeopathic remedies for itching depending on the cause:
Aesculus :
- especially with itching and stinging in the anus and rectum
- other complaints: varicose veins, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, bloating
- Itching, burning, stinging, tickling all over the body
- Itching in the anus with a feeling of fullness
- other symptoms: neurological disorders (convulsions or spasms), restlessness
Apis mellifica :
- Itching associated with allergies and insect bites
- sometimes with hives
- Swelling of the eyelids and under the eyes
- Insect bites are very red and inflamed, with burning, stinging pains
- Skin is swollen and tight
- other ailments: conjunctivitis, sore throat
Arsenicum album :
- itching and burning
- worst after midnight and afternoon
- Itching is so severe that people scratch until the skin is sore or bleeding. This relieves itching and burning for a short time, but then they come back
- for herpes and dry eczema
- other ailments: food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea
capsicum :
- Itching with burning and stinging on the skin and mucous membranes
- other ailments: sore throat, rheumatism, inflammation of the gastric mucosa
- Itching with redness and swelling of the skin with great heat
- especially for weeping skin rashes and shingles
- other complaints: swollen lymph nodes
Dulcamara :
- Itching, with stinging and crawling sensation as if insects were on the skin
- also for cold sores and in connection with allergies
- other ailments: inflammation of the middle ear and bladder, diarrhea, colds, lumbago
Euphrasia :
- itchy eyes, eyelids and nose
- often associated with hay fever
- other ailments: conjunctivitis, colds
- itching in skin rashes
- other ailments: nail disorders, nail bed inflammation, conjunctivitis, digestive tract disorders
- Itching in ulcers and skin inflammation
- Triggers can be, for example, diabetes, skin parasites or bacterial skin infections
- other ailments: dental caries, morning sickness
ledum :
- Itching associated with skin rashes and insect bites
- most common remedy for itchy bites from mosquitoes, bees, wasps and spiders. Even with rat bites
- Rashes itch and burn. Scratching does not bring relief but aggravates. Purulent pustules develop on the scratched skin
- other ailments: eye injuries, bruises, sprains and strains
Nux vomica :
- Itching and hives in allergies and colds
- with burning and slight numbness
- other complaints: asthma caused by hay fever, indigestion, headaches
- better after sleeping, in damp weather, and by firm pressure
- worse early morning, evening and when uncovering
Pulsatilla :
- Itching in allergy, especially on the palate
- hives
- other ailments: asthma, diarrhea, colds, cough
Rhus toxicodendron :
- Itchy skin rash with blisters. These are filled with a clear liquid and are opened by scratching. Then crusts form.
- other complaints: joint problems, flu infections, conjunctivitis, sleep disorders
- better with warm water
- worse from dampness and dampness
- Itching especially with hay fever
- the eyes, ears, nose and throat itch
- other complaints: headache
sulfur :
- Itching, often with no apparent cause. It itches much more than the skin type suggests. Scratching temporarily relieves it, but the itching turns into a burning pain
- other ailments: insomnia, colds, indigestion, menstrual pain, menopausal symptoms
- Itching, also with acne
- other ailments: sweaty feet, sweaty head, headache, cold
Urtica urens:
- Itchy skin rashes
- Skin itches, burns and tingles
- Desire to constantly touch and rub affected skin
Zinc metallicum:
- Itching, usually without a rash.
- especially in the flexed joints
- other complaints: tiredness, exhaustion, headache and back pain, dizziness
Tips for itching
- Only pH-neutral substances should be used to clean the skin. Skin care with moisturizing and moisturizing creams also helps to stabilize the natural skin barrier and relieve itching.
- Allergens, toxins, soaps, perfume additives and preservative additives should be avoided.
- In the case of acute itching, cool, damp compresses, pads with black tea or aloe vera gel can help.
- Light clothing, preferably cotton or silk, reduces skin irritation.
- Underlying diseases that cause itching must be treated.
Avoiding hot spices, alcohol, coffee, and pork can help.