Homeopathy Treatment for Bladder problems and bladder infections

Bladder infections are one of the most common bladder problems. Other bladder-related complaints include incontinence, bedwetting and urinary problems.

Homeopathic remedies are used to relieve the symptoms of a bladder infection. They are designed to relieve pain and prevent further inflammation. In addition, homeopathic remedies have a holistic effect and can have a harmonizing effect on the body and psyche, especially in the case of an irritable bladder.

Which homeopathic remedies help?

Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for bladder problems and cystitis that best suits your situation.


Pain comes on suddenly and spasmodically. For bladder infections associated with high fever.


Bladder infection associated with back pain. Especially when you go to the toilet at night, the urine flows slowly at first, sometimes only after trying to press. The urine smells foul and may be reddish-brown in color.

Coccus cacti

The urine is red, acidic and acrid. The inflammation rises in the kidneys or was caused from there.


Irritable bladder with frequent urge to urinate. The amount of urine decreases continuously within 24 hours. Even with nocturnal urges to urinate.

Mahonia aquifolium

Frequent urging to urinate with cutting pain. The urine is flaky, mucous, or dark in color. Men experience testicle pain when urinating.


Unusually smelling urine, combined with painful, cutting discharge. Blood admixtures are possible.


Older men in particular suffer from urinary problems. The urine flows only by vigorous pressing and then only drop by drop.


Frequent urge to urinate with scanty passage of urine. The urine smells bad and a mucopurulent sediment can be seen. Abundant blood in the urine in bladder infections. Urinary retention or difficult urination with an enlarged prostate.

Lithium carbonicum

Chronic cystitis with soreness in the bladder.

With burning pain


burning pain in the lower pelvic area. Strong urge to urinate, but few droplets come. The pain is cutting, very burning or shooting. Urine often contains blood.

Apis mellifica

frequent urge to urinate combined with a feeling that the urethra is not completely empty. Burning sensation in urethra when urinating.


in bladder infections caused by cold or wet conditions. Cramping, burning pain before and after urination, radiating to perineum and thighs. Unplanned urination from coughing or laughing. Even with a nervous irritable bladder.


Increased urge to urinate after intercourse. Suppressed urination leads to burning in the urethra.

Mercury corrosive

Bladder infection with a strong urge to urinate and bladder cramps. Patients often do not feel better after urinating. The urge to urinate and the burning pain persist.


Constant urge to urinate in connection with pain in the flanks. The urine is very hot and burns. It contains blood and mucus.

Involuntary urination


Overfilling of the bladder leads to urination (Ischuria paradoxa) as in the case of an enlarged prostate.

Plantago major

Constant pressure on bladder with great urge to urinate. The sphincter muscles are weak, failing. There is involuntary, unstoppable urination. Nocturnal wetting in adults too.


Inflammation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract, formation of pebbles with discontinuation of hot-smelly urine, which is passed uncontrollably.


Incontinence in the elderly, dribbling of urine


Strong urge to urinate and weakness of the bladder sphincter. Night-time wetting occurs.

Viburnum opulus

Constant urge to urinate during menstruation, sometimes to the point of incontinence.

Cicuta virosa

Paralysis of the bladder in older men with involuntary urination, as well as stitches in the urethra. The symptoms often occur at night and are accompanied by severe anxiety.

Atropinum sulfuricum

Frequent urge to urinate with large amounts of urine, especially at night. Night-time wetting occurs. Often children wetting at night.

Cystitis – Bacterial infection of the urethra

Due to the short urethra, it is mainly women who suffer from bladder problems and bladder infections. The urinary tract becomes infected with bacteria. This leads to irritation or painful inflammation of the bladder wall. If these symptoms are not counteracted, they can lead to serious kidney diseases.

Causes of cystitis/urinary tract infection

  • Cold feet
  • wet bathing suits
  • Sitting on cold ground 
  • poor hygiene (e.g. after sexual intercourse)

Symptoms of a bladder infection/urinary tract infection

A bladder infection is noticeable through a

  • constant and burning urge to urinate,
  • pain when urinating,
  • feeling of pressure and fullness in the lower abdomen,
  • cloudy and strong-smelling urine,
  • traces of blood in the urine,
  • Urinating only small amounts of urine, despite a strong urge to urinate.

Treating a bladder infection/urinary tract infection

Slight irritation of the bladder can be fought independently. For this purpose, the bladder should be kept warm and two liters of liquid, preferably special bladder teas, should be consumed daily.

Serious inflammation should be diagnosed by a doctor with a urine sample and treated with antibiotics.

  • regular urination,
  • lots of drinking as well
  • Cleaning from front to back after a bowel movement helps prevent bladder problems.

Irritable bladder

An irritable bladder is characterized by frequent urges to urinate. It is not uncommon for those affected to have to go to the toilet every few minutes, not only during the day but also at night. But then only small amounts of urine come out. The urge to urinate subsides shortly after urinating, only to return after a short time. For some people, the urge doesn’t go away even after they urinate — they feel the constant urge to urinate no matter how often they go to the bathroom. Sometimes the irritable bladder is associated with so-called urge incontinence: the patients often do not reach the toilet in time. The quality of life of those affected can be very limited by an irritable bladder.

Problems urinating

Men in particular are affected by problems with urination, as their prostate increases in size with age. The urethra becomes constricted and urination becomes difficult. The problems range from a frequent urge to urinate, a weakened stream of urine to a complete inability to urinate.


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