Obsessive-compulsive disorders are classified as mental disorders. Those affected have to perform different actions compulsively or their thoughts are constantly circling around a certain topic. For example, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder cannot leave the apartment without checking several times whether the stove is actually switched off or whether the front door is actually locked. Everyone has certainly had such thoughts before, without it being a question of compulsive behavior. One only speaks of an obsessive-compulsive disorder if such thoughts or actions occur constantly and severely limit the person concerned in coping with everyday life.
The therapy for compulsive behavior is lengthy and characterized by many ups and downs. As a rule, obsessive-compulsive disorder is treated with psychotherapy and sometimes also with the administration of certain antidepressants. The success of the treatment depends on the severity and duration of the disease. Homeopathic remedies can only be used concomitantly.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for compulsive behavior that best suits your situation.
Desire to control one’s environment, which provides the patient with safety and protection. Lists are made for each task, compulsive hand washing or ritual actions. Can’t stand to be alone Better in company.
Sodium chloride
The patients are very controlled and tend to be perfectionists. They are often compulsively overly precise, trying to control everything and everyone around them. Obsessive-compulsive, hypochondriacal anxiety about health may develop.
Compulsive checking and repeated checking of everyday things, such as locking the front door or turning off the stove.
Causes of obsessive-compulsive disorders
- hereditary predisposition
- psychological factors
symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Compulsions (repeated control of everyday actions)
- obsessions (constant rumination)
- Compulsive impulses (compulsively having to carry out actions)
Further tips and information on treatment
If obsessive-compulsive disorder is suspected, a doctor or psychologist should be consulted.