Homeopathy Treatment for Gas

Almost everyone knows flatulence – from time to time there is a pinch in the stomach and air escapes. Bloating is usually harmless, but it is usually very uncomfortable when the air goes out in public. Sometimes flatulence is also very painful. In most cases, they are triggered by eating too quickly, intolerance to food, or stress. 

Homeopathic remedies have a gently regulating effect on the digestive organs, so that air does not accumulate or can be expelled without pain. 

Which homeopathic remedies help?

Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for flatulence that best suits your situation.

Nux vomica

  • Bloating and constipation develop after heavy meals and alcohol.
  • nausea
  • fullness
  • Pressure and pain in the epigastrium

Dioscorea villosa

Severe flatulence after eating. You have to double up in pain.


Chronic hot flatulence with burning in the anus, associated with faecal incontinence.

Allium ursinum

Occur massively in stressful situations, sometimes stuck, tend to go off quickly, want to be suppressed.

Allium sativum

Discomfort radiates to the chest, Roemheld syndrome.

Flor de piedra

Severe meteorism/flatulence, especially after eating.

Mahonia aquifolium

Strong, odorless winds.


Tensed gasps in lower abdomen and region of liver.

Potassium iodate

Can cause shortness of breath and heart pain, occur more frequently after drinking cold milk. Stomach and intestines are rumbling and growling loudly.

Acalypha indica

Loud flatulence combined with spurting diarrhea.

With bloated belly


strong gas that smells bad. The whole abdomen is distended, the abdomen is extremely sensitive to pressure and tight clothing is annoying. You feel weak and tend to faint.


The stomach is bloated, one feels full and has heartburn. Constrictive clothing is uncomfortable. Especially after sweets and pastries or after garlic and onions, the stomach rumbles. Complaints worsen in the afternoon and towards evening.

Argentum nitricum

the abdomen is very distended, especially after cheese, sugar, or salty foods. Burping brings no relief.

China officinalis

Stinking flatulence with cramping pains with bloated abdomen, especially right after eating. There are clear bowel sounds.

Cicuta virosa

Distended stomach, like you’re about to burst. Protracted departure of the winds. Accompanying hiccups and visual disturbances.

Lac defloratum

Distended abdomen and colic, especially in infants and young children. Loud, persistent discharge of winds, sometimes with small admixture of stool.

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Distended abdomen with rolling flatulence.


Gas and bloated abdomen a few hours after eating. Patients have pain along the colon.

What is flatulence?

As part of normal digestive activity, gases are produced in the intestines, which are transported away via the blood vessels or exhaled via the lungs. However, if more gas is produced than usual, this leads to bloating. The abdomen is bloated from gas buildup in the intestines. This can sometimes be very painful. And intestinal gases are released in the form of flatulence. The discharge of flatulence is very unpleasant for those affected, as it often smells bad and is audible.


As a rule, the causes of flatulence are of a harmless nature and are based on diet and lifestyle. Sometimes, however, food intolerances or illnesses are the triggers. Bloating can also be an unwanted side effect of a number of medications.

  • Foods that cause gas (cabbage, legumes)
  • stress
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • Fast food that involves swallowing a lot of air
  • Food intolerance (e.g. lactose, fructose or histamine)
  • antibiotic treatment
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)

When to go to the doctor

If, in addition to flatulence, other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain occur, a doctor should be consulted for clarification. Even if you do not normally suffer from flatulence and are now very severely and suddenly affected by flatulence, it makes sense to see a doctor. If you have blood in your stool, feel exhausted, or lose weight despite not changing your eating habits, your doctor should investigate whether a serious medical condition is causing the flatulence.

Prevent bloating

In order to prevent flatulence, it makes sense to take a closer look at your own diet. Very specific products often lead to this condition and not using them immediately alleviates the flatulence. 


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