Mouth sores: how to treat them effectively

The causes that can lead to the appearance of canker sores in the mouth are various, but the treatments are similar. We explain how to alleviate them and how to avoid their appearance.

The mouth sores can be very small, but very annoying. They hurt and appear in moist areas that are difficult to heal quickly. For this reason it is important to know the effective remedies to eliminate them as soon as possible. 

The exact cause of mouth ulcers is still unknown. Experts are still unable to determine exactly why these small ulcers appear in the mouth. The mouth sores are annoying to eat and speak and suffers 20% of the population.

They can be of two types: simple or complex . The first appear a few times a year, last about a week and affect people between 10 and 20 years of age. Complex ones, on the other hand, are less frequent and affect subjects previously suffering from oral ulcers.

Some causes of mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers can be bought for several reasons. Triggers may include:

  • the stress
  • the intake of acidic or citrus foods
  • injuries caused by food or cutlery
  • a weakened immune system
  • nutritional problems
  • some gastrointestinal diseases
  • sharp parts of orthodontic appliances

It is necessary to know how to distinguish canker sores and cold sores because, although they can sometimes be confused in appearance, they are very different in symptoms and treatment. Cold sores are caused by a simple virus and are contagious, but canker sores are not. The former can also appear on other parts of the face such as the lips, nose and under the chin.

In case of an oral ulcer, the symptoms are: burning, painful tingling sensation, white or gray round sores with red edges; sometimes there may be fever, inflamed lymph nodes, etc.

The good thing about mouth ulcers is that they almost always go away on their own . The pain can be very uncomfortable, but the important thing is to avoid touching the affected area with your teeth or tongue . After 7 or 10 days it will be just a memory.

Natural remedies to treat canker sores in the mouth

1. The salt

Salt is one of the cheapest and most effective antiseptics and a powerful ally in the natural cure of canker sores. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth, insisting especially in the area of ​​the mouth, without swallowing. Repeat at least three times a day. In a short time the pain and discomfort will decrease.

2. The baking soda

Baking soda works like salt and is an effective antiseptic . Dilute it in half a glass of water and rinse your mouth without swallowing the liquid. You can also form a paste with a little water and apply it on the ulcer, leaving it to act for a few moments. Finally, rinse with cold water without rubbing.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Another surefire remedy for canker sores in the mouth. Take a cotton ball or a cotton swab and dip it in hydrogen peroxide. Apply directly to the lesion three times a day : it calms the pain and helps prevent possible infections.

4. Mouthwashes

This is not exactly a “natural” remedy, but it can be of great help in relieving pain in the mouth. An immediate relief that also counteracts the formation of bacteria. Do not pour too much mouthwash, especially if it is strong, as it could irritate the mouth.

5. Ice

Thanks to an ice cube you can treat canker sores little by little and at the same time reduce inflammation and relieve pain . It acts as a sedative. Put a cube as many times as you think necessary.

6. Yogurt

Thanks to the milk acid and bacteria, it will help you change the pH composition of the mouth and control the formation of bacteria. Eat one yogurt a day, especially if you regularly suffer from canker sores. You can also apply it directly to the ulcer with a cotton swab.

7. Magnesium hydroxide

It brings an effect similar to that of yogurt. Use it three times a day to change the pH of your mouth and fight the bacteria that usually cause ulcers. 

Tips to avoid the formation of canker sores

A mineral or vitamin deficiency is the main cause of oral ulcers , so it is recommended to include them in your diet. Other conditions that can cause canker sores include iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency), folic acid, celiac disease , Crohn’s disease , etc.

Therefore, we suggest you to add in your diet that contain iron, such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains, milk, etc.

Brush your teeth carefully, being careful not to cause sores similar to canker sores or irritation, which can also be produced with some hard food. Avoid acidic or spicy foods and chewing gum, and don’t forget to floss after every meal to keep your mouth clean and healthy.