What is plantago major?
Homeopathy uses Plantago major to treat neuralgic facial pain, as occurs with trigeminal neuralgia, toothache and earache and bladder problems. The mother tincture is used for douching and rubbing.
In individual cases, Plantago major is given for sleep disorders that can occur when smoking cessation.
Leading symptoms
- Stinging earache with sensitivity to noise
- Toothache with sensitivity to touch and increased salivation
- Nighttime bedwetting
- Itchy, burning skin
- hives
Information about the agent
How do you recognize patients who need Plantago major?
The broad-leaved plantain manifests itself in seizure-like complaints, in stabbing pains in the head and face. A tearing earache occurs that radiates into the jaw, into the eyes and over the entire face. You are extremely sensitive to noise and light. The teeth cannot be touched, the gums are swollen, and more saliva is produced. Watery diarrhea occurs. You cannot hold back a sudden urge to urinate and spontaneously urinate in large quantities, even at night. Patients have a great aversion to tobacco.
Plantago major is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen by the following modalities:
- Sleep
- meal
- at night
- in warm rooms
- cold draft
What are typical areas of application for Plantago major?
- toothache
- trigeminal neuralgia
- otitis media
- bedwetting
- headache
- skin rashes
- heart trouble
Areas of application in detail
Bedwetting in children and adults at night. Patients wet themselves several times during the night. This happens despite precautions such as going to the toilet before bed or drinking little in the hours before bed. During the day, patients rarely go to the toilet. The amount of urine excreted during the day is significantly lower than the amount during the night.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Bladder problems and bladder infections
Constant pressure on bladder with great urge to urinate. The sphincter muscles are weak, failing. There is involuntary, unstoppable urination. Nocturnal wetting in adults too.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Severe pain, also in connection with facial neuralgia and otitis media.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Severe carious toothache with copious salivation.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Application information

Dosage forms of Plantago major
For external use, the mother tincture is mixed with water or glycerin, applied to the mucous membranes or dripped into the ears. Tablets or globules in D2 potency are given orally.
Plantago major dosage
To support smoking cessation, Plantago major 4X or 6X is given as needed or whenever the craving for a cigarette occurs. Other complaints are treated with three doses of D12 daily, in acute cases five additional globules can be given if necessary. Children who weep at night are given a dose (3-5 globules) of D12 before going to bed.
The remedy works best when the globules are dissolved in water and this remains in the oral cavity for a few seconds before swallowing.
Plantago major effect
Plantago major acts on the central nervous system, the heart and the skin.
Plantago major during pregnancy
Plantago major is recommended for pregnant women who stop smoking and suffer from withdrawal or side effects.
Used in low potency, the drug helps curb compensating cravings for sweets and also has a positive effect on mood swings caused by nicotine withdrawal. Plantago major also helps with toothache caused by caries and can also be used as a mouthwash with the mother tincture dissolved in water. The remedy is used for nocturnal bladder weakness, which can occur more frequently in advanced pregnancy.
The drug can be used throughout pregnancy.
Plantago major for the baby
Plantago major is mainly used in babies and children to treat bedwetting. Despite many precautionary measures, the children wet themselves several times during the night. Children urinate only small amounts during the day.
Plantago major for dogs, horses and cats
The homeopathic remedy is used in animals to treat nerve pain. The pain moves back and forth. They occur at regular intervals. The animals are very sensitive to touch on the affected body parts. Bladder weakness and cystitis in animals are also commonly treated with Plantago major. The animals urinate more at night than during the day.
Plantago major side effects
The remedy shows no side effects and can be given without interactions with other medicines. If toothache occurs in adults, Plantage major should ideally be used as first aid and a dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. In the event of hypersensitivity to the original substance, medical or homeopathic advice should be obtained.
Typical potencies: Plantago major is mainly used in the potencies 2X, 6X and 12X, more rarely in the 4X potency.
fabric type: medicinal plant