The Polygonum (called Centinodia) is a small spontaneous weed plant that grows practically everywhere in our territory, from the subalpine area to the sea. Also called “correggiola”, “bird polygon” and “hundred knot grass”, it is a very useful plant. In addition to guaranteeing nourishment to birds thanks to its fruits, it has been known – and used – for its properties since ancient times.
Let’s see together in which cases it can come in handy.
Polygonum (called Centinodia), plant
Polygonum (as scientifically Polygonum aviculare L.) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Polygonaceae family.
It grows spontaneously practically everywhere, up to 1900 meters above sea level. It is often encountered in uncultivated meadows, along the edges of paths and waterways, and even among the rubble. Often it also becomes a weed: it especially prefers fields cultivated with cereals, beet and various herbaceous crops.
It is an inconspicuous plant. It has branched stems with narrow lanceolate and alternate leaves.
From May to November it produces small white flowers tinged with green, gathered in groups, from 2 to 5 at the same height as the leaves.
After flowering, it produces achenes, small 2-3 millimeter fruits of which the birds are very greedy.
The plant’s common name derives from the Greek “ polýs ” which means “many” and from “ góny ”, “knees”. Clear reference to the numerous knots found on its stems.
Polygonum (called Centonodia), property
The whole plant is used from the Centinodia. Specifically, its main constituents are:
- flavonoids
- tannins
- mucilage
- salicylic acid
- alkaloids
- saponins
From these substances derive the following properties, for which the Centonodia is famous since ancient times:
- anti-inflammatory
- antioxidant
- expectorant
- antimicrobial
- vasoconstrictor
- diuretic
- emollient
- astringent
- antidiarrheal
- hemostatic
The bindweed, therefore, is often used as a remedy in case of:
- sore throat
- cough
- excess phlegm
- small wounds to heal
- redness and inflammation of the skin
- urinary retention
- inflammation of the kidneys
- small kidney and bladder stones (promotes their elimination)
- diarrhea
- slight bleeding
Polygonum (called Centinodia): method of use
Centinodia is a medicinal plant used in phytotherapy in the form of:
- decoction
- tincture
Doses and applications
For internal use
Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of herb or 50 drops of mother tincture per 100 ml of boiling water. Take 2-3 times a day.
For external use
Make localized touches with the mother tincture to promote the healing of small wounds and skin ulcers. Rinse and gargle in case of throat and oral cavity inflammation.
Polygonum (called Centinodia), contraindications
Considered a safe plant, it has no particular contraindications or side effects. If taken in high dosages, however, it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.
As a precaution, avoid taking it during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in case of gastric ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux.
Where to buy
It is found in herbal medicine but also online, both in the form of mother tincture and in convenient packages of dried herb.
However, it can also be collected directly on the street. The Centinodia, in fact, grows spontaneously practically everywhere: on the edge of paths and streams, in uncultivated meadows and even in the city along the sidewalks.
Price varies based on package size and brand. Indicatively, it starts from 3.60 euros per 100 gr. Among other things, on the net there are several products based on this plant, such as:
Polygonum (called Centonodia), Harry Potter
Fans of the Harry Potter saga know very well, or at least have already heard of the Bindweed. The famous wizard used it to prepare the potion called “Polyjuice”, which he needed to take on the appearance of another person.