Schuessler Salt No. 13, potassium arsenicosum (potassium arsenite), is often prescribed according to Schuessler’s method for exhaustion and recovery. It is said to support constructive metabolic processes and help with skin diseases and menstrual cramps.
What is Schuessler Salt No. 13: Potassium arsenicosum?
The Schuessler method assigns the 13th Schuessler salt, potassium arsenicosum, a role in hormone regulation. Potassium arsenicosum is also said to have a purifying and strengthening effect. If the body consumes too much energy through excessive combustion processes, potassium arsenite can – according to the theory – regulate these processes and reduce the basal metabolic rate. It is therefore often used for recovery and weakness. Potassium arsenicosum is found in our body in the skin, hair, brain, liver, kidney and thyroid.
Locations for Potassium arsenicosum
Storage locations for potassium arsenicosum are hair, nails, liver and kidneys. The Schuessler theory states that the body falls back on these stores when there is an increased need. A resulting deficit in the cells can manifest itself through various symptoms and signs.
Symptoms and diseases of potassium arsenicosum deficiency
Potassium arsenicosum’s main areas of application are (chronic) skin diseases, especially inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes as well as weakness and menstrual cramps. According to Schuessler, the following complaints, diseases and constitutions can be balanced with potassium arsenicosum:
- Skin: psoriasis, stubborn rash (eczema), dry and itchy skin, cracked skin on elbows and squats, and excessive sweating
- Respiratory tract: inflammation of the mucous membranes such as colds, tonsillitis and pharyngitis
- Gastrointestinal complaints
- Conjunctivitis with dry eyes, gritty feeling or edema of the eyelids
- Lungs and bronchi: bronchial asthma, bronchitis with dry cough
- Muscles: cramps of various kinds, muscle twitching
- General condition/ psyche: sleep disorders and depression
- Menstrual cycle: Kali arsenicosum is especially recommended for women who want to become pregnant. By regulating the hormonal balance and stabilizing the menstrual cycle, this Schuessler salt is said to help with the desire to have children.
- cardiac insufficiency
- state of weakness and recovery
- Anemia, blood dilution and to support the iron effect
Schuessler Salt No. 13 is recommended by naturopaths if symptoms occur periodically. Even if the symptoms worsen with low pressure, cold, in the evening, at midnight or in damp weather, the naturopath resorts to potassium arsenicosum. In the case of dry heat and foods that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, the symptoms should recede.
Application of Potassium arsenicosum
Schuessler Salt No. 13 is particularly suitable for internal and external use. The standard potency for potassium arsenicosum is 6X (decimal dilution, 1:1,000,000).
Internal use of potassium arsenicosum
Naturopaths recommend two to three tablets of Kali arsenicosum D6 daily, and occasionally five tablets a day at the beginning of treatment. The tablets should slowly melt in the mouth. Taking Schuessler salts dissolved in hot water, as with the so-called “hot seven” (magnesium phosphoricum, Schuessler salt 7), is not recommended for potassium arsenicosum – as with all supplementary salts.
External use of Potassium arsenicosum
For external use, a mash of potassium arsenicosum D6 tablets can be mixed.
Characteristic causes of potassium arsenicosum deficiency
According to Schuessler, certain compulsive character traits can result in a lack of potassium arsenicosum. People who make unhealthy sacrifices for their job seem particularly at risk of depleting their potassium arsenicosum stores. Clinging to solid structures, a lack of trust, the suppression of inner impulses and misunderstood morality and decency are also said to result in a potassium arsenicosum deficit. In addition, restlessness, anxiety and fear as well as depression can indicate a lack of potassium arsenite.
Signs of deficiency on the face
According to the Schuessler theory, if there are too few salts in the body cells, this can also be noticeable externally. Eczema, dandruff and keratinization disorders should be seen in people with too little potassium arsenicosum . Furthermore, transverse furrows to the course of the lower lip within the vermilion of the lips can appear as external signs of deficiency. Occasionally, a potassium arsenite deficit can also be found on narrow cheeks and protruding eyes. The complexion is rather pale, eyelids and outer neck may be swollen.
Other important information about Potassium arsenicosum
Potassium arsenicosum should have good combination possibilities with the base salts calcium fluoratum, calcium phosphoricum, potassium phosphoricum, potassium sulfuricum and silica.