Would you like to use Schuessler salts to strengthen connective tissue in the skin? Then you should reach for, among other things, No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum, No. 4 Potassium chloratum and No. 11 Silicea. Here you can find out why these Schuessler salts keep connective tissue healthy, what other remedies can be helpful and how they are used!
Why connective tissue is important
There are very different types of connective and supporting tissue in the body with a correspondingly wide range of tasks – for example as fat, bone and cartilage tissue, in the form of tendons and ligaments and as a “filling substance” within and between different organs.
The connective tissue in the skin fulfills an obvious function: With its collagen fibers, it can store water and thus give the skin firmness. The embedded elastic fibers keep the skin taut. Weak connective tissue, on the other hand, contributes to our skin looking saggy and wrinkling. In addition, cellulite (orange peel skin) can develop in the case of connective tissue weakness.
In order to keep connective tissue and skin taut, you should drink enough fluids, ideally 1.5 to two liters of water per day. You should also avoid nicotine and alcohol and not expose your skin to the sun without protection. Proper nutrition is also important, as it supplies the skin with zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium and vitamins C, A and E (e.g. lots of fresh fruit and vegetables).
Schuessler salts: strengthen connective tissue
These tips for a “skin-friendly” lifestyle can strengthen connective tissue. Schuessler salts could also contribute to this. For example, calcium sulfuricum and potassium chloratum (No. 12 and No. 4 of the Schuessler salts) are said to relieve and rebuild connective tissue. The two are considered the main means for the regeneration of connective tissue.
In addition, Silicea, the number 11 of the Schuessler salts, is said to keep connective tissue healthy and help with connective tissue weakness by stimulating collagen formation, among other things. Silicea can be used both internally as a tablet and externally in the form of a cream or ointment.
But there are other means that strengthen the connective tissue: Schuessler salts no. 2 and no. 4 (calcium phosphoricum and potassium chloratum) are generally important for the protein build-up in the body. No. 8 sodium chloratum is responsible for the connective tissue fluid. Excess acids in the tissue should be excreted with the help of No. 9 Natrum phosphoricum (and No. 11 Silicea). If the use of suitable Schuessler salts makes connective tissue permeable again, the cells can get rid of waste and pollutants. No. 10 Natrum sulfuricum is intended to support their removal.
Another important representative of the Schuessler salts for connective tissue is No. 19, Cuprum arsenicosum. It is one of the 15 supplements that were added to the 12 basic salts after Schuessler’s death. Cuprum arsenicosum is said to be indicated for weak connective tissue, ligaments and bones and is used internally.
Schuessler salts: regenerate connective tissue
A possible “recipe” for the regeneration of connective tissue initially includes taking No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum and No. 12 Calcium sulphuricum: They are intended to support the body in breaking down excess protein structures.
Afterwards, the following Schuessler salts may help to regenerate connective tissue structures sufficiently:
- No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum
- #4 Potassium chloratum (main remedy)
- No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum
- No. 8 sodium chloratum
Schuessler salts: connective tissue treatment for cellulite
In the case of cellulite, various Schuessler salts can also strengthen the connective tissue – in combination with sufficient exercise, a healthy diet and regular skin care. Recommended are:
- No. 9 sodium phosphoricum (for hyperacidity and to support lipid metabolism)
- #8 Sodium chloratum (for dry skin)
- No. 19 Cuprum arsenicosum (for the formation of collagen fibers in the connective tissue)
- No. 6 potassium sulfuricum (for skin cleansing and cell formation)
- No. 11 Silicea (for strong connective tissue)
- No. 1 Calcium fluoratum (for elastic fibers, such as in the skin, tendons and ligaments)
- No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum (for the permeability of the connective tissue)
The Schuessler salts are used internally. However, #1 Calcium fluoratum and #11 Silicea are also available as a cream. An additional external application of these Schuessler salts can strengthen connective tissue.