A Schuessler salts home pharmacy should offer quick help for acute health problems such as loss of appetite, hoarseness or toothache. The twelve functional remedies from No. 1 Calcium fluoratum to No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum are a good basis. In addition, general utensils such as disinfectants and fever knives are useful in order to be prepared for emergency situations. Read more about the Schuessler salts medicine cabinet here.
Schuessler salts: Medicine cabinet with twelve functional agents
A good basis for a Schuessler salts medicine cabinet are the twelve functional remedies developed by Dr. Schuessler themselves were named. They should fulfill important physical and mental functions and offer support for many health disorders. We have a list of the twelve functional remedies in the most recommended potency and examples of common uses:
- No. 1 Calcium fluoratum D12: calluses, cracks , cracks on hands and lips, caries, varicose veins
- No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum D6: Nosebleeds, barking cough , muscle tension and cramps, school headaches, rapid pulse, nervousness, sensitivity to weather
- No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum D12: Concentration problems, fever (up to 38.8°C), throbbing headache , inflammation, acute illnesses, earache
- No. 4 Potassium chloratum D6: whitish mucous cough, bronchitis, gland swelling, couperose, spider veins, tendency to be overweight
- No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6: bad breath, tearfulness, despondency, burn out, weakness, bleeding gums, fever (over 38.5°C)
- No. 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6: excessive need for fresh air, claustrophobia (claustrophobia), sore muscles, feeling of fullness after eating, nausea from excitement
- No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum D6: stage fright, chocolate hunger, menstrual cramps, colic, itching, flatulence
- No. 8 sodium chloratum D6: watery, crystal-clear runny nose, watery or dry eyes, cravings for salty or spicy foods, insect bites, burn injuries
- No. 9 sodium phosphoricum D6: pimples, blackheads, heartburn, greasy or dry hair, cravings (for sweets, carbohydrates), joint pain
- No. 10 Natrum sulfuricum D6: smelly wind, diarrhea, hangover headache, itching, herpes, swollen bags under the eyes, colon problems
- No. 11 Silicea D12: Sciatic pain, sweaty feet , sweaty hands, sugaring of the lids or corners of the mouth, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light and noise
- No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum D6: Cold, purulent tonsillitis or sore throat, gingivitis, purulent middle ear infection, physical and psychological shock
The Schuessler salts medicine chest should have these twelve biochemical functional agents in tablet form. Anyone who cannot tolerate lactose (part of the tablets) should switch to Schuessler salt globules (made from cane sugar).
It often makes sense to have certain Schuessler salts in ointment form, such as Schuessler ointments No. 1 and No. 3.
Schuessler Salts Medicine Chest: Useful additions
You can also equip your Schuessler salts medicine chest with individually useful additions. In the case of chronic skin diseases, this can be, for example, the Schuessler salt no. 13 potassium arsenicosum, in the case of frequent heartburn the no. 23 sodium bicarbonicum.
According to the Schuessler concept, anyone who tends to get depressed can also benefit from No. 16 Lithium chloratum or No. 20 Potassium aluminum sulfuricum. When putting together your Schuessler salts medicine cabinet, you can get advice from a specialist such as an experienced doctor or naturopath.
Last but not least, in addition to a Schuessler salts medicine chest, you should always have the general medicines and utensils of a medicine chest ready, such as disinfectants, fever thermometers, plasters or light painkillers.