Turpentine essential oil : properties, benefits, uses, contraindications, effects and all information about the essential oil of Pinus pinaster , commonly known as turpentine oil.

Let’s start immediately with a clarification:
the essential oil of trmentina and the essential oil of Pinus pinaster are not exactly the same thing even if they have the same properties.
The essential oil of turpentine is produced by steam distillation of the resinous parts of different species of resiniferous trees (including pinus). For the production of the essential oil of turpentine, in general, pines, firs and lances are used, although many producers use different tree species. On the contrary, the essential oil of Pinus pinaster is produced starting exclusively with the steam distillation of the resinous parts of the Pinus pinaster species.
Turpentine essential oil, properties
Although not very widespread, this essential oil has interesting properties that are useful in the treatment of various minor ailments, especially for soothing disorders affecting the uro-genital tract.
It includes properties:
- Balsamic
- Disinfectants and antiseptics
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesics
- Antiphlogistics
Analgesic properties
This essential oil can be used as an analgesic, in the treatment of rheumatic pain, rheumatism and joint pain.
For skin care
Diluted in almond oil, turpentine essential oil can be used to combat skin disorders such as acne, pimples, skin redness and itching.
Natural remedy for lice
It is also used as a natural remedy for lice. In this context, you should dilute 28 ml of turpentine essential oil in jojoba oil. This mixture should be used to massage the scalp and sprinkle along the entire length of the hair. This procedure must be performed before going to bed, the next morning the hair must be washed with the classic shampoo. This essential oil is useful for preventing lice infestations between school desks, at critical times of the year.
To soothe respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma
In this context you can find relief with fumigations made with boiling water and 8 drops of turpentine essential oil. With the fire off and boiling water, add the drops of the essential oil, bring your face closer and cover the head and the pot with a towel to inhale. Take breaks every two to three minutes.
How to dilute turpentine essential oil
Essential oils cannot be used pure on the skin because they are highly concentrated in active ingredients that otherwise could have an irritating effect. Any essential oil must necessarily be used diluted. Oils are immiscible in aqueous solutions and for this they must be dissolved in an oil in a carrier oil. Carrier oil is also called base oil because in aromatherapy it acts as an oily base for the most powerful essential oils.
The dilution of the essential oil of turpentine, for massages to alleviate rheumatism, sciatica or other pain, ranges from 5 to 6%. In all other circumstances the concentration of the essential oil of turpentine should not exceed 3%.
The dilution drops further in case of contact with mucous membranes. If you wish to perform vagienal douches, 8 drops of this essential oil diluted in 300 ml of warm water will suffice.
Turpentine essential oil, contraindications

Attention! Never apply pure turpentine essential oil to the skin. It must always be diluted before use. This rule applies to all essential oils.
Where to buy turpentine essential oil ?
This essential oil is not very common, so it can only be found online or in well-stocked health food stores.