Toxilage (scientific name Tussilago farfara) is a very widespread herbaceous plant also in our soils: it tends to grow in humid and clayey environments, such as banks of streams, but is also easily found in meadows and fields.
What is Tussilago farfara
Toxilage (scientific name tussilago farfara ) is a plant whose name derives from the uses to which it was intended in the past, in particular that of eliminating coughs.
Indeed, its beneficial properties and possible therapeutic uses are well known in folk medicine.
The name Tussilago comes from the very ancient use of this plant in the field of folk medicine: it derives in fact from the combination of the Latin terms tussis and agere, that is to say “cough” and “fare” or “remove”, therefore the plant that “removes cough”.
Tussilago farfara: properties
Toxilinity is characterized above all by its expectorant, emollient and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is known, in particular, as a natural remedy for cough and to eliminate mucus and phlegm.
In fact, the infusion prepared with tussilaggine is used for internal use in case of chronic and acute bronchitis, laryngitis and tracheitis.
For external use, however, the juice of the plant is suitable for the treatment of skin irritations, boils and eczema; it can also be applied in case of ulcers and wounds. Therefore, also in the cosmetic field it finds application possibilities thanks to its astringent, emollient and soothing properties.
Flowers and leaves of the tussilago are particularly rich in mucilage. There are also numerous active ingredients present in them, such as gallic acid, acetic acid, malic acid, tannins, mineral salts and peptin
How to use Tussilago farfara
The beneficial virtues of this plant as a natural cough remedy can be easily experienced by preparing an infusion.
After bringing the water to a boil, pour a handful of previously chopped flowers or leaves of tussilago farfara. Turn off and leave to infuse for about 15 minutes.
Subsequently, strain the infusion well and add a tablespoon of honey. For the treatment of conditions such as cough or bronchitis, you can consume 2 or 3 cups a day.
If you suffer from liver failure, the use of toxilinity should be prohibited. The pyrrolizide alkaloids present in the plant can cause liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma.
Toxilinity also contains sesquiterpene lactones which, in some individuals, can cause allergic reactions.