What vitamins does carrot have

The carrot is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world and, furthermore, in many forms, since it can be eaten directly raw or boiled, steamed or as a magnificent ingredient in juices, smoothies or sauces. It is a healthy food that should not be missing from a balanced diet because, among other things, it is considered an excellent ally when it comes to eye care. Given its rich composition in vitamins and minerals, this is not the only benefit that frequent consumption of carrots brings to the body. Do you want to know what vitamins carrots have and what they can do for your health and well-being? Take note because in this article we put the carrot to the test.

What are the vitamins in carrots

Carrots are a natural source of important vitamins, essential for general health and for the proper functioning of the body.

As the predominant vitamin in a carrot, vitamin C stands out , with the not inconsiderable amount of 7 mg per 100 g of carrot. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential micronutrient, especially for its antioxidant properties and its beneficial action against free radicals and cell damage.

In addition, taking carrots is an excellent way to provide the body with vitamin A (pro-vitamin A or beta-carotene) and the intake of the same amount represents a contribution of 1,346 ug. Both vitamins, provitamin A and vitamin C, have a protective function, which makes carrots a recommended food for the population as a whole, children, adults and the elderly, with few exceptions.

When talking about the vitamins stored in carrots, we must also add its rich composition of folates (30ug/100 grams), essential in the generation of new cells in the body, and vitamin E (0.5 mg /100 grams). The carrot is also one of the few foods of plant origin that can provide us with certain vitamins of group B, such as vitamin B2 or riboflavin and vitamin B6, both of the utmost importance in the correct development of vital processes and also of the functions cognitions performed by the brain.

Other carrot nutrients

Although the carrot hides important amounts of vitamins, its contribution in nutrients does not end here, because, in its composition, the minerals stand out in a notable way: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium are just some of those that it contains in remarkable amounts, being largely responsible for the good properties of the carrot.

As for fats, their presence in the vegetable is minimal and, in addition, unsaturated fatty acids predominate in it , which we consider good because they are also necessary and beneficial for the body.

The carrot is rich in water, provides moderate amounts of carbohydrates (7 g/100 g) and, in its nutritional composition as a whole, we must not forget that it also gives the body a good portion of fiber, which helps the good intestinal transit.

Carrot benefits

With this composition, the carrot can only act in the body in a beneficial way because its essential vitamins and minerals intervene, improving multiple functions, being a favorable food for:

  • Improve eyesight: it is a widespread idea and it is also true, because the provitamin A in carrots exerts a protective function at the cellular level that also affects the organs of vision, contributing, specifically, to keeping the retina in good condition.
  • Take care of the teeth: biting it raw helps to strengthen teeth and gums, favoring the remineralization of the teeth. As with other raw fruits or vegetables, the fact of biting and chewing them means performing a deep natural cleaning of the teeth without damaging their enamel.
  • Eliminate excess fluids: despite their hard texture, carrots are made up of a large amount of water (between 80% and 90%) so, taken regularly, they have a beneficial diuretic action.
  • Caring for nails and hair: this is another of its benefits because the minerals it contains, especially selenium, calcium, iodide or zinc, are directly related to strong nails and shiny hair full of vitality.
  • Stop cognitive deterioration: carrots also help keep the brain in top shape due to the important vitamins it provides and, above all, by giving it the phosphorus and magnesium it needs, minerals that are decisive in the development of the different brain processes.


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