Witch Hazel in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is witch hazel?

In homeopathy, witch hazel is used for vein diseases in the throat, genitals, rectum and lower extremities as well as for bruises and injuries from falls.

Witch hazel patients have tender blood vessels that always seem bulging, full, and dilated. Injuries show blood that is slowly escaping, dark and difficult to clot.

Leading symptoms

  • Easily bleeding, painful varicose veins
  • nosebleeds
  • Bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Conjunctivitis after injury
  • Throbbing pains in temples, with pressure on root of nose

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need witch hazel?

Hamamelis is characterized by a feeling of constant exhaustion, irritable and restless. Those affected are prone to varicose veins and bleeding between menstrual cycles, as well as protruding hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal bleeding. After injuries, they show a disproportionate weakness even with only a small loss of blood.


Witch hazel is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen by the following modalities:


  • Fresh air
  • Think
  • Talk


  • Move
  • print
  • moist, warm air

What are typical uses for witch hazel?

  • hemorrhoids
  • varicose veins and bleeding

Areas of application in detail


the hemorrhoids are nodular and have a dark red to bluish color. They itch, burn and bleed.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Varicose veins

dilated, tender and congested veins with a stabbing, sore pain and heaviness.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Lymphatic congestion

Lymphatic congestion after breast cancer surgery. The affected arm is swollen and feels bruised.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


slow bleeding with dark blood. There is pressure between the eyes or a tight feeling in the nose. Even with frequent nosebleeds.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Application information

Dosage forms of witch hazel

Witch hazel is very commonly used as an ointment for external use; but is also often administered as a mother tincture or in potencies up to 4X.

Witch hazel dosage

Taking 10 drops of mother tincture dissolved in water is particularly effective. This mixture is consumed three times a day. Alternatively, Hamamelis can be given as globules in the potency 4X or 6X.
Externally, a witch hazel ointment is used to relieve vein and hemorrhoid pain, which is applied several times a day as needed.
For poultices, dissolve 30 drops of the mother tincture in warm water and soak a muslin cloth, which is placed on the affected areas.
Sitz baths should be taken twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes. Here, too, 30 drops of the mother tincture are added to warm water.

Witch hazel effect

Witch hazel acts on the venous system and the skin.

Witch hazel during pregnancy

Hamamelis helps with varicose veins and heavy legs during pregnancy, postpartum with poorly healing surgical wounds or caesarean section wounds. Its main use, however, is in the treatment of hemorrhoids during or after pregnancy. Hamamelis is mainly used externally as an ointment, poultices or hip baths.

Witch hazel for the baby

The homeopathic remedy is used to treat nosebleeds. The weakness that follows is disproportionate to the amount of blood lost.

Discomfort during teething is another area of ​​application for witch hazel in babies. The toothing is slow and difficult. It is accompanied by diarrhea and cramps. The babies are grumpy and irritable.

Hamamelis for dogs, horses and cats

In the treatment of animals, the homeopathic remedy witch hazel is helpful for pinched veins and extensive bruising.

Side effects of witch hazel

There are no reported side effects of witch hazel.

Typical potencies: Hamamelis is used as a mother tincture, ointment and in the potencies 6X and 12X.

fabric type: Virginian witch hazel, witch hazel


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