Yoga postures that relieve Menstrual Pain

Even if you are new to yoga, these simple poses will gradually help you relieve menstrual pain and at the same time gain flexibility.

Do you know the yoga poses that relieve menstrual pain ? The first days of the menstrual cycle for some women can be accompanied by unbearable cramps.

If this happens to you and you want to avoid taking painkillers or suffering in bed, we recommend that you try these yoga poses that relieve menstrual pain.

The gentle and harmonious movements of yoga, in fact, can relieve menstrual colic.

Yoga and the menstrual cycle

According to the teachings of yoga, during the cycle it is necessary to rest and engage in light activities , such as meditation and reading.

Of course it is not always possible to indulge in this luxury. We can, however, take advantage of the benefits of some yoga poses that specifically help relieve cramps , as well as energize the body and mind.

1. Balasana

Also known as the “baby position”, it relieves back pain and relaxes the abdomen.

  • Kneel on the mat, keeping your knees open to the same width as your pelvis (or as you feel most comfortable).
  • Lean forward, bringing your arms back, past your buttocks.
  • Rest your forehead on the floor if you can, otherwise put a pillow.
  • Take ten slow, deep breaths before rising again.

2. Jathara parivartanasana

This position calms back pain, especially in the lumbar area (the back area that is often critical during periods). It is also a good stretch exercise.

  • Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your arms outstretched at shoulder height.
  • Bring your legs to your chest and tilt them to the right.
  • Switch sides very slowly.

3. Dhanurasana between yoga postures that relieve menstrual pain

This position is a little more complicated, but it instantly relieves the pain. It is also called “bow position”, because with the body you create a bow and with the arms the string.

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs extended.
  • Bring your heels towards your buttocks and grasp your ankles with your hands.
  • Raise your pelvis and try to bring your legs as close to the ceiling as possible .
  • Raise your head, accompanying the movement of the body.
  • Breathe slowly several times before returning to the starting position.

4. Supta virasana

It means “hero lying down”: we will use a support, a pillow (or more pillows) or a blanket, to make this position more relaxing and support the lower back.

  • Kneel on the mat after placing the pillow behind you.
  • Bring your back back until it rests completely on the pillow.
  • Keep your arms at your sides.

5. Supta baddha konasana

This position stimulates the ovaries, circulation, relaxes the groin and thigh muscles . It reduces menstrual colic and relieves stress.

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees bringing the soles of your feet together.
  • Relax your back, finally return to the starting position.

6. Position of the throttle

It reduces menstrual pain, allows you to stretch the hips and relax the pelvic area.

  • Sit on the ground, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together (as in the previous exercise).
  • Try to get your knees as close to the floor as possible.
  • Lean your body forward or backward as you feel most comfortable.

7. Pasasana between yoga postures that relieve menstrual pains

The “knot position” can also be of great help, as it stretches the thigh muscles, spine and groin.

  • Squat down, keeping your feet and legs together.
  • Rotate your knees to the left and your torso to the right.
  • Pass your left arm around your thighs and your right arm behind your back, trying to grab your hands.
  • Gently tilt your head back.

8. Janu sirsasana

It doesn’t matter if you are not very flexible: you get to where you can.

  • Sit on the floor or on the mat with your legs extended.
  • Bend the right leg inward, touching the left knee with the sole of the foot.
  • Bend your torso forward. The ideal would be to be able to grasp the foot of the extended leg with both hands, but you can be content to reach the ankle. Pull lightly.
  • Repeat on the other side.

9. Position of the dove

It is recommended for those suffering from severe menstrual pain.

  • Squat down, extend one leg back and leave the other knee bent.
  • Bring your torso forward resting your forehead, forearms and hands on the ground.

10. Ustrasana

The camel position allows you to stretch the abdomen and lower abdomen. It reduces anxiety, pain and fatigue. It is one of the best yoga poses that relieve menstrual pain.

  • Kneel on the mat, with your legs slightly apart.
  • Gently arch your back back, accompanying the movement with your arms and relaxed head. The goal is to reach first the feet with the hands and then the floor.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return very slowly to the starting position.

11. Upavistha konasana

The “corner sitting position” can initially be performed with the help of a pillow or blanket.

  • Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out. Spread them apart as much as possible.
  • Raise your arms and flex your torso forward. The goal would be to touch the floor with your forehead, but to do that, you need a lot of flexibility.
  • To begin with, set up a pillow or shim to help you rest and relax your head.

12. Adho mukha svanasana

This posture, also called the “Downward Dog Pose”, releases tension from the spine and relieves menstrual colic.

  • Get on all fours, with the palms of your hands, knees and the backs of your feet in contact with the floor.
  • Point your toes, gently extend your knees and straighten your legs.
  • Your body will form a triangle whose sides will be your arms, legs and the floor.