Stress Stop (Calm & Clear) is the Australian Bush Flower Compound dedicated to stress and situations of tension, worry, anxiety, impatience and lack of time for oneself. The essences combined in this compound promote calm, relaxation, the ability to better manage daily activities, external pressures, learning to find and respect time and space for oneself. Also useful for attention deficit in study, work or daily. Let’s find out better.
The composition of stress stop
The compound consists of the following flowers:
Black-eyed Susan, helps to slow down and reorganize one’s life rhythms and time management, reconciling with one’s inner self, learning to delegate excessive tasks and requests, and to interact with others in a balanced way. In general, for hyperactive, excessively dynamic temperaments that do not allow themselves adequate rest, impatient, always in a hurry, with prevailing mental work.
Boronia, promotes serenity, focus and clarity of thought, attenuates the nagging and unpleasant thoughts, helping to stop the brooding that often leads to insomnia or a crowded mind.
Bottlebrush helps to deal with situations of physical, biological, existential change (adolescence, marriage, work, retirement, separations), favoring the ability to adapt and overcome a sense of inadequacy, uncertainty and apprehension. It helps to overcome the past in a constructive way in order to calmly face the novelties that life brings. It also favors the mother-child relationship. The shape of the flowers is similar to a pipe cleaner, to clean and sweep away what is no longer useful and make room for the new.
Bush Fuchsia, harmonizes favoring the cognitive and intuitive abilities, rebalancing the rational logical side with the creative intuitive side; improving the communication of the cerebral hemispheres, improves concentration and attention, coordination at all levels. It is an important remedy in learning, language (speech and voice) and study problems.
Crowea, with a calming and invigorating effect for body and mind, promotes the sense of calm and general well-being in states of anxiety, worry, agitation. Indicated in muscle contractures from stress and emotional tensions, it balances digestive problems related to stress, tension, anxiety. It balances the intensity of emotions in cases of agitation, anxiety, worry, promoting calm, balance and self-centering. With a relaxing action on muscles and tendons, useful to massage locally, for example for colic in children, tension in the neck, neck, shoulders, in drops or in a little cream.
Jacaranda, favors the creation of effective strategies to complete actions and projects, bringing calm in cases of overexcitation. It brings mental and decision-making clarity, it helps the undecided and those who doubt, change their minds and do not finish what they start, because they are distracted by other ideas and information, dispersing their energies.
Little Flannel Flower, brings lightness in dealing with everyday life lived with excessive seriousness and rigidity. The flowers have a velvety, soft texture that recalls the quality of being softer with oneself and life, more spontaneous and joyful. Also useful for parents and children who are too serious, severe, demanding with themselves and others, to rebalance playfulness and spontaneity with the duties and commitments of life.
Paw Paw, the papaya flower, favors the intuitive process to access solutions and new points of view in case of decisions, helping to focus the problem with clarity and lucidity; he reorients the direction and eases the emotional tension associated with decisions. It can be taken in single doses whenever you feel overwhelmed or difficult to integrate new information, such as before or after a seminar, or in preparing for exams, as it promotes the assimilation of information.
Recommendations for use
Drops: 7 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, upon awakening and before falling asleep; 7 drops as needed, during the day.
Oral spray: 2 sprays on the tongue.
Drops and sprays are also useful for the local massage of areas of stress contractures.
To s pray body and environment, vaporize in the environment as needed, for example in an environment full of tension, or on the face and body, protecting the eyes, to tone and refresh, applying delicately.
The cream is suitable for tired and dull skin, stressed precisely. It has a natural formulation, is moisturizing and emollient, and helps to relax the body by attenuating the effects of stress and external pressures, rebalancing the skin in a natural way. It is practical for a massage on areas contracted by stress or on the soles of the feet, even in the evening before bed. Useful for sportsmen before and after the activity.
Body environment spray cream are part of the Love System line of skin products with natural, organic ingredients, and thanks to the use of floral essences.
The compound can also be used simultaneously with other compounds or personal formulations, as needed, during the day. It can promote relaxation by improving the quality of sleep for adults and children.