Abrotanum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Abrotanum?

Abrotantum is a homeopathic single remedy that is preferably used to treat emaciation in the lower extremities. It is also used when there is frequent alternation between diarrhea and constipation, as well as against rheumatism, gout or worm infections and in depressive children.

Although Abrotanum is considered lazy to move, his symptoms improve precisely because of this. The night hours, as well as cold weather and changes in the weather, contribute to aggravation.

leading symptoms

  • deafness symptoms
  • weakness
  • Tremble
  • paralysis
  • Emaciation in children despite adequate food intake
  • Persistent fever
  • Rheumatism after suppressed diarrhea

information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Abrotanum?

Abrotanum’s nature corresponds to the numerous bitter and tannins of the plant: it is considered to be extremely grumpy, malicious and irritable; he can be talkative and excited as well as taciturn and withdrawn. Both his physical and mental weakness seem lost; he is not receptive and can hardly raise his head. External signs of Abrotanum are purple spots, itchy chilblains or protruding hemorrhoids. Despite a good appetite, he is thin; his face looks old, wrinkled and bluish.

Abrotanum patients are sullen and taciturn. They are very jumpy and wake up from a dream with a fright. Mental work exhausts patients very quickly. They are lazy, tend to forget things or tasks, and suffer from poor memory.

Abrotanum Children are irritable and grumpy. They are very clumsy and rude, often falling or knocking over something. Children are stubborn and stubborn when pressured. When they are not feeling well, they moan and whine terribly. They don’t like being touched by others. When they want something, they can be very stubborn and stubborn.


Abrotanum is indicated for all typical symptoms that are improved or worsened by the following modalities: Improvement:

  • Quiet
  • To lie
  • warmth


  • cold
  • wetness
  • contact

What are typical uses for Abrotanum?

  • states of emaciation
  • exhaustion
  • Failure to thrive in infants
  • skin rashes
  • diarrhea
  • rheumatic complaints
  • hemorrhoids

Areas of application in detail

appetite decreased

Loss of appetite with severe weight loss. Abdominal pain at night, alternation of diarrhea and constipation.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

circulatory disorders

Tingling, numbness and pain caused by damage to small and tiny vessels. Cold and wet aggravate the symptoms.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

application information

Dosage forms of Abrotanum

In contrast to the dosage forms in the US (D3 – D30), Abrotanum is mainly used in potencies D1 to D12 in Germany.

Abrotanum dosage

Abrotanum is preferably given in the form of drops three times a day in the potency 2X or 6X. Babies and children are given three granules twice a day in the same potency.
For external use in skin diseases, an Abrotanum ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin three times a day. In addition to oral administration, umbilical infections in infants are treated with a thin layer of Abrotanum cream twice a day.

Abrotane effect

Abrotanum acts mainly on the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, skin and mucous membranes.

Abrotane in pregnancy

Abrotanum is one of the homeopathic remedies that are rarely used as a sole remedy during pregnancy. It is occasionally sufficient for persistent loss of appetite and the associated physical weakness, also for hemorrhoids, the occurrence of which is favored as a result of digestive irregularities.
If rosacea occurs during pregnancy, it can be treated with a homeopathic Abrotanum ointment. To strengthen the lymphatic constitution, Abrotanum is often a component of complex remedies that can also be administered during pregnancy.

Abrotane for the baby

Abrotanum is an important agent in the treatment of so-called failure to thrive in babies. They are emaciated, have dark circles under their eyes and wrinkled skin. The emaciation is first noticeable on the legs and then progresses upwards. Babies have great appetites. They are very hungry, especially in the morning at 11 a.m. and at night. Babies are grumpy and irritable during the day.
The remedy is helpful for skin rashes that appear around the navel. Blood may ooze from the navel.

Abrotanum for horse, dog and cat

Abrotanum is an important agent in the treatment of worm diseases in animals. Weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation occur as a result of the worm infestation. Hair loss, itchy skin and a shaggy coat are also indications of a possible worm infestation.
The remedy is given to older cats that are weak and emaciated. The cats are very sensitive to cold and are irritable and aggressive. Hunger and appetite, on the other hand, are unchanged.

Abrotanum side effects

Abrotanum shows no interactions or side effects. The remedy is also suitable for infants and small children.

Similar means

Potassium bichromicum

Abrotanum and Kali bichromicum have similarities in relation to rheumatic diseases and digestive problems. With both remedies, the rheumatic symptoms alternate with diarrhea. At the same time, the complaints do not appear.

sodium chlorate

Abrotanum and sodium chloratum are important agents in the treatment of emaciation. They can be differentiated based on the type of emaciation. Sodium chloratum is often indicated for emaciation from top to bottom and particularly noticeable on the neck. Abrotanum is used when emaciation progresses from bottom to top and is most noticeable on the legs.

Typical potencies: Abrotanum is often taken in the potencies 6X, 12X, 6C and 12C.

fabric type: medicinal plant


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