Aconitum Napellus is a homeopathic remedy useful for violent states, such as fever, tachycardia, hypertension. Let’s find out more how and when to use it.
Aconitum napellus is a homeopathic remedy that is very often used at the beginning of an acute illness. But Aconite is also used in many other areas. This homeopathic remedy is said to be very effective, especially for acute symptoms after a shock and as a painkiller.
Description of Aconitum Napellus
Aconitum Napellus is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the mother tincture of Aconitum napellus, a perennial grassy plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family.
It grows spontaneously in mountain forests, in various locations in Europe; the flowers have the characteristic helmet shape and are dark blue.
The plant contains aconitine, an extremely poisonous substance, so much so that it was used to poison arrows and spears.
When using Aconitum Napellus
Aconitum Napellus is a short-acting homeopathic remedy and is effective for inflammations of all kinds caused mainly by exposure to cold and wind or intense heat.
It is also used when facing the consequences of trauma due to fear or fright. In fact, it is particularly suitable for all those ailments that appear suddenly and present symptoms such as: intense congestion, dry, hot, burning skin, accelerated pulse, agitation and anxiety, restlessness, excessive hypersensitivity.
The subject is often aggravated by noise, music, light, smells, strong cold, strong heat, movement. Aconitum is used in the treatment of hypertension, in case of palpitations, tachycardia, accelerated pulse, cardiac pain.
Often in the treatments Aconitum is followed by Sulphur, as Aconitum is the acute of Sulphur and Sulphur is the chronic of Aconitum. Other remedies that complete the action of Aconitum are: Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Ipeca, Silicea.
Among the antidote remedies, that is, to be taken in case of abuse by Aconitum, we remember Coffea and Nux vomica.
Aconitum is used in the following main cases
- fever that immediately manifests itself very high and reaches its maximum before midnight, accompanied by burning skin, chills and intense thirst. It is also used when fever is associated with acute cold and dry cough, acute rhinitis or laryngitis or pneumonia
- pain, neuralgia
- cardiovascular symptoms, tachycardia and hypertension
- otitis and otalgia, pain and inflammation in the ear
- eyes, congestion due to cold snap, trauma or operations
- congestion in the stomach
- toothache
- haemorrhoids
- diarrhoea
- eye inflammation
- “black eye”
- anxiety states
- bladder infection
- colds
- Sore throat
- laryngitis
- croupy cough
- fear of surgery
- bleeding
- insomnia
- shock after injury
- indigestion
More Conditions where Aconitum is a suitable homeopathic medicine
- Consequences of fright, shock, accident
- great anxiety and restlessness
- acute, sudden onset of symptoms
- Consequences of dry cold and wind
- sudden, rapid increase in fever
- dry, hot skin
- neuralgic pains with numbness
- face flushed when lying down, becoming pale on rising
- palpitations with fear
- great thirst for cold water
- no urination possible
- fast pulse
- symptoms improve outdoors, at rest and/or when sweating
- Complaints are aggravated by cold, dry wind, in the evening and at night, by violent emotions, by pressure and touch, by noise and light, during menstruation, in the blazing sun and/or by inhaling tobacco smoke
Aconite Dose and administration
- In case of high fever and symptoms that occur particularly acutely, administer 5 drops 3D, at first every quarter of an hour, then from every half hour up to an hour.
- In cases of cardiovascular disorders and hypertension the recommended dose is 4 – 5CH, 3 granules or 5 drops every 3 hours, progressively lengthening the time with each improvement, up to the administration of 3 times a day passing to the dilution 30CH.
- In other cases 3 6CH granules at intervals of 1 to 3 hours, depending on the severity.
Aconitum is a homeopathic remedy that is available in the form of granules (Aconitum Globuli) or drops.
In acute illnesses, Aconitum D6 is taken several times a day. The aconite globules are allowed to melt under the tongue. In the case of an acute illness, you can initially take the homeopathic every hour. If the improvement sets in, increase the time between taking the medication.
Aconitum D12 is also suitable for the treatment of acute diseases. However, this potency should only be taken once or twice a day. The same goes for Aconitum D30.
You should not take higher D-potencies (Acontium D200 and higher) as well as Aconitum C200 and higher on your own, but only if they are prescribed to you by a homeopath. These potencies are used in severe acute illnesses and chronic illnesses. In both cases, self-treatment should be avoided.
High potencies (Aconitum C1000 and higher) are also used for the Aconitum application for psychological complaints or for complaints that are based on psychological traumatization. In such cases, the best effect is seen with these potencies.
Homeopathic medicines have no side effects, but the intake of Aconitum must be stopped if initial aggravations occur.
Consult a homeopath for more details.
Who is Aconitum Napellus recommended to
The Aconitum Napellus type is a subject reactive to the situation of malaise, which produces violent reactions, such as high fever, and sudden, and which always presents anxiety and agitation.
The remedy, on the other hand, is less indicated in subjects who are not very reactive and for manifestations with a slow course and difficult development.
Use of Aconitum

Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Fear, Stress, Shock, sorrow or grief
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Anxiety attacks,
- feelings of panic and shock triggered by accident or other fright.
- Fear of dying or death
- In acute psychological stress caused by a violent event.
- For sudden, unexpected events that cause a big shock. For example an unexpected death.
- Shock after accident and injury
Take 2 globules of Aconitum C30 for 3 days in a row.
When self-treating mental problems, you should under no circumstances take potencies higher than Aconitum C200 for a long period of time. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Headache migraine
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Sudden onset of severe, strongly pulsating pain, mainly in the temples and forehead.
- Often one-sided.
- Person is anxious, restless and very thirsty.
- Anger, fear and anxiety are common triggers.
- Symptoms are worsened by loud noises, movement and talking.
- Better in fresh air and when resting in a darkened room.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Acute ear infections
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Sudden, severe ear pain, often associated with a high fever.
- Usually after staying in the cold and dry cold wind.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day.
Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Acute sore throat
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Sore throat from exposure to cold, dry wind.
- Herald of a flu-like infection in the early stages.
- The pain is stabbing and comes on suddenly, often in conjunction with a high fever.
- Great thirst and sweats.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Colds, flu, fever infections
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Sudden onset and rapidly increasing fever.
- Infection is triggered by cold, dry weather or draught.
- The patient appears anxious and restless and feels very thirsty.
- Aconitum is usually only the remedy for the initial stage.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Fever
Accompanying Symptoms:
- For acute fever that often breaks out at night.
- Often triggered by exposure to cold, dry winds.
- Chills.
- The skin is hot and dry.
- The patient feels anxious, restless and very thirsty.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for cough/bronchitis
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Sudden nocturnal cough.
- The cough is dry and it can cause a feeling of suffocation.
- The patient is cold, restless and anxious.
- Also suitable for pseudo-croup in the early stages.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for menstrual cramps
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Periods are late and very light, or no periods occur at all .
- These symptoms are triggered by a flu-like infection or a shock.
3 globules Aconitum D30 daily for 3 days. Do not start during bleeding. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for sleep disorders
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Nightmares caused by mental stress and anxiety, particularly suitable for the elderly.
3 globules Aconitum D30 daily for 3 days. In the event of prolonged stress, once Aconitum C200. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for Sprains/dislocations/bruises
Accompanying Symptoms:
- Most effective immediately after injury.
- The pain is felt to be extremely bad.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.
Use and Dosage of Aconitum for toothache
Accompanying Symptoms:
- The toothache has a violent and shooting character .
- They appear very suddenly.
- Triggers can be drafts, cold wind, the onset of a cold or anger.
- Worse in the evening and at night.
3 granules of Aconitum D6 up to six times a day or 3 granules of Aconitum D12 twice a day. Discuss with a homeopath for details.