Alfalfa in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is alfalfa?

Alfalfa is used in homeopathy mainly to treat malnutrition caused by loss of appetite. The homeopathic remedy is also prescribed for flatulence and increased appetite.

The drug has proven itself in stimulating milk production and improving milk quality in breastfeeding women.

leading symptoms

  • Big appetite
  • indigestion
  • Bladder problems with an enlarged prostate
  • Milk deficiency in breastfeeding mothers

information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need alfalfa?

Alfalfa adults are in a good mood and especially in a good mood in the mornings. In the course of the day, the condition changes slowly. The patients become increasingly dull, irritable and depressed.

There are no separate descriptions of the alfalfa children.


Alfalfa is indicated for all typical symptoms that are ameliorated or aggravated by the following modalities: Improvement:

  • not known


  • not known

What are typical uses for alfalfa?

  • gluttony
  • malnutrition
  • breastfeeding problems
  • gas
  • chronic appendicitis

Areas of application in detail

Appetite increased

Appetite and thirst are increased. Patients need to eat frequently. You can’t wait for the next meal. They nibble a lot in between and then mainly reach for sweets. The appetite is particularly bad in the morning. At times, patients have binge eating. Despite the amount eaten, patients have no digestive problems.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Appetite decreased

Loss of appetite and thus poor nutritional status.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Gas and bloated abdomen a few hours after eating. Patients have pain along the colon.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Chronic appendicitis

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

application information

Dosage forms of alfalfa

The homeopathic alfalfa is mainly prescribed as a tincture.

Alfalfa dosage

From the alfalfa tincture, 5 drops are taken several times a day until the symptoms improve. After that, the drug is taken less frequently.

Alfalfa D6 is usually taken three times a day and Alfalfa D12 twice a day. As soon as an improvement is noticed, the intervals between the doses are increased. As soon as the improvement continues, the drug is no longer taken.

effect of alfalfa

Alfalfa acts on the central nervous system and digestive organs.

Alfalfa in pregnancy

The homeopathic remedy alfalfa is not used during pregnancy, but is given during breastfeeding when the mother does not have enough milk. Alfalfa is helpful in increasing milk yield and improving quality.

Alfalfa for the baby

Alfalfa is not usually prescribed for infants and children.

Alfalfa for dogs, horses and cats

As with humans, alfalfa can be given to animals when the animals have lost their appetite and are not eating enough. Alfalfa can be helpful against subsequent malnutrition.

The remedy is also given to animals nursing offspring to stimulate milk production and improve milk quality.

Side Effects of Alfalfa

So far, no side effects have been reported when taking alfalfa. When you start treatment with alfalfa, your symptoms may temporarily worsen over a short period of time.

Similar means


Alfalfa and Ignatia are both given for emaciation due to lack of appetite. Ignatia is indicated when grief is the cause of loss of appetite.

Arsenicum album

Alfalfa and Arsenicum album show similarities in the drug picture in malnutrition due to loss of appetite. With Arsenicum album, patients are very thirsty.

Typical potencies: Alfalfa is commonly used as a tincture and in 6X and 12X potencies.

fabric type: plant


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