Angelica Archangelica in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Angelica archangelica?

In classical homeopathy, angelica is not one of the preferred remedies; in modern homeopathy, however, the importance of Angelica has increased.

It is used for all kinds of digestive problems. The essential oils and bitter substances contained in the plant contribute to the formation of gastric acid and bile juices. The remedy helps with flatulence, loss of appetite and feeling of fullness, but also with exhaustion and anxiety.

Applied externally, Angelica archangelica is said to have an antirheumatic effect.

information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Angelica?

To date, there is no clear picture of the appearance or medicinal properties of Angelica archangelica. Patients who need the remedy are seen as fearful, lacking in self-confidence and attached to their homeland. They find changing places uncomfortable. In general, they lack flexibility. Darkness triggers intense feelings of fear. One often suffers from nightmares.

There are no observations of the child type of Angelica archangelica.


Angelica archangelica is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen with the following modalities:Improvement:

  • Not known


  • Not known

What are typical uses for Angelica archangelica?

  • fears
  • exhaustion
  • stomach pain

Areas of application in detail


Fear of the dark and everything unknown

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Chest pain with cold and cough

Symptoms of pleurisy with shortness of breath, rattling breath sounds and cough.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 


Deepest states of exhaustion, as also appear in glandular fever; nervous exhaustion with abdominal cramps

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Gastrointestinal complaints

Crampy stomach pain, stuck flatulence, feeling of fullness

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

application information

Dosage form of Angelica archangelica

Globules are administered orally in low potencies up to 6X. Externally, the mother tincture is used for poultices.

Angelica archangelica dosage

Externally, compresses are made up to three times a day with the diluted mother tincture. For digestive problems, the remedy can be given three to five times a day with a dose of D6. In the case of chronic states of anxiety, homeopathic advice should be sought in order to be able to treat with higher potencies if necessary.

Angelica archangelica During pregnancy

Since the drug is said to have a menstrual-promoting effect, it is not advisable to give angelica during pregnancy.

Side effects of Angelica archangelica

The skin may temporarily become more sensitive to light. Caffeine, sugar, fatty foods and alcohol should be avoided during therapy with angelica. For pregnant women, the drug is only suitable to a limited extent and should not be administered independently. No other side effects are known.

Similar means

Arsenicum album

Angelica archangelica and Arsenicum album have a similar remedy in terms of exhaustion and indigestion, with Arsenicum album having more of a burning stomach pain in the foreground.

Typical potencies: Mother tincture, D1 to D6

fabric type: medicinal plant


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