Baobab, the tree rich in vitamin C and antioxidants: benefits, properties and how to use it

Baobab is an excellent natural remedy in case of tiredness, flu or intestinal problems. Discover all the properties of the baobab and how to use it.

Considered a “medicine tree” thanks to the wealth of nutritional and curative properties, the Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a tree of African origin, majestic and with a characteristic shape. From its fruit a pulp is extracted that is particularly rich in properties and useful in different situations. It must be said, however, that its potential does not end in the fruits, in fact nothing is thrown away from this tree and all its parts can be used, including the roots!

It was the indigenous peoples who live near the baobabs who first experienced the benefits of this plant by using the pulp of the fruits or other parts (bark, leaves, seeds, roots) as food but also as effective natural remedies useful for treating most common ailments.

It is no coincidence that in Africa the baobab has earned the nickname of “tree of life” or “magic tree”, indigenous peoples use the different parts for food use or as an effective and safe natural remedy. In short, a real superfood, complete and full of potential.

Several benefits of the baobab were later confirmed by scientific research and that is why, in particular the baobab powder and the pulp of the fruits of this tree (which naturally dehydrates once it reaches maturity), are currently sold and appreciated in all over the world and are used as real natural supplements. So let’s see what are the main properties of the baobab.

Baobab: properties and benefits

Almost everything is used from the baobab. The pulp of the fruit, the seeds, the leaves, the flowers, the roots and the bark of the baobab, in fact, are edible and have been studied for their properties even if on the market we find mainly the powder of the fruit and the oil.

More specifically, the fruit pulp has a very high content of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, fiber and potassium. The seeds, on the other hand, contain appreciable quantities of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron, manganese, while they have high levels of lysine, thiamine, calcium and iron. The seeds also contain good quantities of fats so they are used for the production of baobab oil. In general, the baobab has antimicrobial, antimalarial, anti-anemic activities, against diarrhea and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

✓ Stock up on Vitamin C with Baobab

The baobab fruit is a real concentrate of vitamin C, in fact it contains 6 times the quantity of an orange. 100 grams of baobab pulp can provide up to 300 mg of this vitamin.

✓ Helps the intestines and fights diarrhea

Thanks to the fibers present that also act as prebiotics (i.e. they nourish the beneficial intestinal flora), one of the most appreciated benefits of the baobab is its regulating effect on the intestine in case of constipation but also, on the contrary, of diarrhea. African populations use it a lot in this sense.

✓ Baobab fruit: energetic and anti-stress

Among the properties of the baobab there is also that of improving mood, removing stress and making even the most debilitated physicists recover strength. The powder of the fruit is in fact very rich in carbohydrates and vitamins, a real burst of energy.

✓ Natural anti-inflammatory

The anti- inflammatory properties of baobab, widely used in Africa also as an anti-fever remedy, have been confirmed by science. In addition, a study showed baobab’s beneficial activity on the heart, protecting it from inflammation-related damage.

✓ Regulates blood sugar and cholesterol

The beneficial effect of baobab is also evident in the blood by keeping blood sugar and cholesterol under control.

✓ Baobab to fill up on antioxidants

Baobab pulp contains a high amount of antioxidants, higher than most fruit. This is why there are those who use it to fight the free radicals responsible for cellular aging.

✓ Baobab fruit to combat anemia

The baobab is a tree rich in minerals including iron, which is why it is recommended for those suffering from anemia or menstrual disorders. In fact, the cycle is a period in which women are at greater risk of suffering, not only from pain, but also from lowering iron levels and consequently fatigue. Furthermore, the high presence of vitamin C favors the absorption of non-heme iron, that is the iron contained in plants and more difficult to assimilate without the help of vitamin C.

✓ Great for the skin

Used internally but also applied externally, the baobab helps to nourish the skin making it younger, more elastic and radiant. Also in this case it is thanks to the antioxidants it contains. Baobab oil can be used as a moisturizer, as an after sun or after shave.

Uses of the Baobab

On the market you can buy Baobab in different forms: powder, dried pulp, oil, enriched foods or real supplements in tablets or even tablets that contain all the active ingredients of the tree.

A practical and convenient way to include this natural product in your diet is undoubtedly to use baobab powder to enrich smoothies, extracts or other drinks or to simply take with a little water. Some products bear the wording “baobab flour” but basically it is the same powder that can be used (in the measure of a few teaspoons, depending on the recipe) also together with other flours to prepare for example biscuits or pasta or simply added to yogurt.

As for the dried pulp of the baobab, also sold in small cubes, since it is very fibrous it can be simply sucked when needed or chewed, although not everyone likes the flavor. The taste of baobab powder, in fact, is quite sour.

But in what situations should you use the baobab? For example, to combat seasonal flu and colds or when you feel tired and exhausted and want to recover energy. Also recommended in prevention as a product capable of supporting the immune defenses, thanks also to the conspicuous presence of vitamin C. In this case, or as a rebalancer of intestinal functions, it can be used in cycles of a few months.

Baobab powder provides about 250 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, this is of little significance since the generally recommended dose for everyone is 5 grams of baobab powder (about a teaspoon) once or twice a day.

For external use, for the treatment of skin and hair or against sunburn and burns, the use of oil extracted from this tree is recommended. It can be found together with baobab flour and other products in the most well-stocked herbalists, organic shops or online shops specializing in nutrition and natural well-being.

Baobab: contraindications

Baobab is considered a very safe and well tolerated food. No particular contraindications or side effects have been highlighted. However, we advise you not to exceed in use, given, among other things, that it is not a typical tree of our latitudes.


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