Borage oil: benefits on skin and hair

Borage oil : properties, uses and tips on how to make ointments, soaps and homemade preparations based on this vegetable oil. Benefits on skin, hair and contraindications.

The borage oil has always been appreciated for its emollient, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing. Its fatty acid profile sees an abundant presence of antioxidant substances useful for skin care. The borage is not only famous for its proceeds oily parts of the plant, leaves and flowers, are excellent ingredients in the kitchen and are suitable for the preparation of many recipes.

Borage, consumed in the kitchen, has various beneficial effects on our body. For the nutritional properties and benefits of borageWith food, borage provides precious micronutrients such as vitamins and mineral salts, it provides abundant essential fatty acids such as the famous omega-3, omega-6, linolenic acid.

How to use borage for skin care

The precious oil is obtained from the borage seeds, useful for fighting skin impurities, for anti-acne treatments and for fighting pimples.

Borage oil is an excellent carrier oil, then its properties intrinsic can be aided by the action of the active substances contained in various essential oils.

For example, the anti-inflammatory properties of borage can be enhanced by the antiseptic properties of tea tree essential oil. Prepare an ointment given by 20 ml of borage oil and 6 ml of tea tree essential oil, dab it on the skin to counteract acne and facial impurities.

To hydrate dry skin and obtain a soft and silky skin, you can take advantage of the emollient properties of borage seed oil combined with carrot seed essential oil.

Prepare an ointment to dab on dry skin or skin damaged by smoke and pollution: add 4 ml  of carrot essential oil to 20 ml of borage seed oil.

For an anti-wrinkle, increase the concentration of carrot essential oil by pushing up to 6 ml for every 20 ml of carrier oil used.

Did you know that the oil extracted from borage seeds is often used in the formulation of creams to firm the breasts ? This use would be linked to the high content of plant hormones. To firm the breasts you can prepare an ointment to be applied by massaging the affected area. For the ointment add 3 ml of geranium essential oil, 3 ml of cananga odorata essential oil to 20 ml of borage seed oil.

How to use borage oil for hair care

The benefits of borage oil are also evident on hair, nails and eyelashes. For hair care it is possible to take advantage of the strengthening and revitalizing properties of borage oil to make natural wraps or DIY conditioners.

Make a hair pack with 20ml of borage seed oil and 4ml of cedar essential oil. The result will be a natural hair mask perfect for combating hair loss and achieving strong, shiny hair. By bringing the concentration of cedar essential oil to 6 ml, the hair mask will also be useful for combating psoriasis. Those who care about the health of their hair and scalp can take advantage of the properties of jojoba oil.

How to strengthen your nails naturally ?
To strengthen the nails it is possible to exploit the properties of borage oil in combination with those of lemon essential oil.

Where to buy borage oil

The borage oil can be purchased in health food stores and more provided by specialized shops in the sale of natural products.

Borage oil, contraindications and side effects

The contraindications are related only for internal use. No side effects have been reported for the use of borage oil in cosmetics if not related to a pre-existing condition of the patient. To avoid any adverse events and allergic reactions, test a few drops of borage oil on a small area of ​​the arm and wait for any symptoms of skin reaction to appear.

The oil extracted from borage seeds does not contain carcinogenic or toxic alkaloids and therefore is safely included as an ingredient in various food supplements.

Essential Oils

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