Cactus in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is cactus?

Cactus is considered an important homeopathic heart remedy alongside digitalis . It is administered for angina pectoris and heart inflammation (endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis) and for circulatory disorders. Cactus is a successful remedy for treating cardiac neurosis/anxiety. It has a balancing effect on the heart rate. It is also used for menstrual cramps and ovarian inflammation.

Leading symptoms

  • Sensation of constriction in parts of body
  • Dejected
  • In a bad mood
  • fear of dying

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Cactus?

Stinging pain and the feeling of being constricted are typical of Cactus. The Cactus person reacts to lovesickness with heart palpitations. He is quickly out of breath when climbing stairs, develops a hard, fast pulse, coughs up mucus, often with blood.

The chest feels so constricted that speaking is impossible, with stitches from the diaphragm into the chest. The pain travels from the breastbone between the shoulder blades. There is an increased rush of blood to the head. One cannot swallow because the esophagus seems narrowed. Urine comes out dribbling and burning, the color of straw. The right side of the face has a stabbing pain like trigeminal neuralgia, increasing with excitement, noise and bright light.

Arms and legs are heavy, you cannot walk long distances, you often stop. Edema develops on the left hand and lower extremities. The skin is dry, shiny, scaly, without itching. At night and before the onset of menstruation, the heartbeat accelerates, even with minor exertion and prolonged standing. Menstrual pain can only be endured when lying down, moving from the uterus into the stomach.

Cactus adults are sensitive, often sad, believing themselves to be terminally ill and dying. They don’t like to be in the foreground, are quiet, and are sensitive to noise. They have a pale bluish face and often shiver all over their bodies.

Cactus children are very afraid and have palpitations when they are sick. They are quiet, withdrawn, taciturn and want to be alone.


Cactus is indicated for all typical symptoms that are ameliorated or aggravated by the following modalities:


  • fresh air


  • lie to the left
  • between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m
  • contact
  • physical exertion

What are typical areas of application for Cactus?

  • circulatory disorders
  • heart trouble
  • menstrual cramps

Areas of application in detail

Circulatory disorders

Arterial deficiency of blood flow in the lower extremities. You cannot walk longer distances pain-free without taking a break, you begin to limp (window disease).

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Heart trouble

Inflammation of the heart muscle, heart palpitations and heart spasms with constricting pain (angina pectoris). Also indicated for heart anxiety.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual cramps

Bleeding starts too early, is lumpy and dark as pitch. Uterine cramps that extend into the stomach, with spontaneous shooting pains in the kidney area at the same time.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Cactus

The mother tincture or globules (also dissolved in water) are given in low potencies, in the case of acute symptoms at half-hour intervals until the symptoms improve.

Cactus dosage

The remedy is given as a mother tincture or in a low potency D3 for acute symptoms with five drops or globules three times a day. In the case of particularly severe symptoms, the dose can be increased to five times a day. Long-term use in self-medication is not recommended. High potencies of the remedy require prior therapeutic clarification.

Cactus in pregnancy

The remedy is given as a mother tincture or in a low potency D3 for acute symptoms with five drops or globules three times a day. In the case of particularly severe symptoms, the dose can be increased to five times a day. Long-term use in self-medication is not recommended. High potencies of the remedy require prior therapeutic clarification.

Cactus in pregnancy

Cactus is one of the rarely administered remedies for pregnant women. It helps to cope with strong fears that cause anxiety and heart problems. More important is the importance of Cactus grandiflorus during and after birth. It is used to relieve particularly painful after-pains and pain in the regression phase of the uterus. Again, other homeopathic remedies are more common, including Magnesium phosphoricum.

Side Effects of Cactus

Cactus should not be administered without an indication or a suitable drug picture or in the case of hypersensitivity to the original substance. Pregnant patients and breastfeeding mothers should always discuss taking the drug with their doctor beforehand.

Similar means


Aconitum and Cactus are important remedies for angina pectoris. Typical for Aconitum are strong heartaches with great restlessness and the fear of dying. The face is red and pales when it sits down.

Typical potencies: D1 to D12, mother tincture

type: plant


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