Carbovegetables in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is vegetable carbo?

The homeopathic remedy Carbo vegetabilis is used to treat chronic fatigue, flatulence, and digestive and respiratory problems.

It is most commonly used with people who are about to collapse, either physically or mentally, and who are either indifferent or tired.

Leading symptoms

  • Cold hands and feet with pale skin
  • Blue lips and fingernails
  • Cold face with cold sweat
  • Cold body but does not want to be covered
  • Shortness of breath with noisy exhalation
  • Mucus in the airways, constant throat clearing and coughing
  • Flatulence with noisy belching, cramping abdominal pain and a feeling of pressure in the heart area
  • Difficulty digesting even the simplest of meals
  • Affected people want to be fanned constantly
  • Strong irritability

Appearance of Carbo vegetabilis

Patients have a sunken face and a cold, clammy body with weakness or numbness in the limbs and painful gas and bloating. Despite this unpleasant feeling and the perceived cold, they express a desire for fresh air and additional cooling of the face by fans. They often crave unhealthy, “empty” food and coffee, sweets, or alcohol.

Carbo vegetabilis adults do not like the dark and are afraid of ghosts. When ill, patients are very restless and cling to people nearby. They can also be very angry and aggressive at times.

Carbo vegetabilis children are very afraid of the dark. They refuse to go to bed and close their eyes. They often express their fear of ghosts. The children freeze all the time, even in warm temperatures and when they are dressed warmly or covered up.


Carbo vegetabilis is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:


  • burping
  • through the passage of flatulence
  • fresh air


  • in the evening and at night
  • humid warm air
  • greasy foods
  • milk

What are typical areas of application for Carbo vegetabilis?

  • states of exhaustion
  • alcohol abuse
  • gas
  • flu infections

Areas of application in detail


strong gas that smells bad. The whole abdomen is distended, the abdomen is extremely sensitive to pressure and tight clothing is annoying. You feel weak and tend to faint.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Hoarseness caused by damp weather, often associated with a runny nose .

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Food poisoning

Collapse after eating spoiled food. Patients first notice a feeling of constriction in their throat. Then they get dizzy, their faces are deathly pale and their lips are blue. They feel better when you fan them.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Heartburn/acid regurgitation

Heartburn with frequent belching and cramping pains and with severe flatulence. Patient has an aversion to meat and fat and has a great need for fresh air.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Indigestion/ upset stomach

sour-putrid belching and severe flatus. Sluggish digestion with a great feeling of fullness, stomach pressure and loose, smelly stools. Aversion to fatty foods, milk and alcohol.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Carbo vegetabilis

The usual potencies for the administration of charcoal are between 6X and 12X.

Carbo vegetabilis dosage

In acute situations, five globules or one low-potency tablet (3X or 6X) are given. In the case of general indigestion, this dose is given a quarter of an hour before meals. Skin and phlebitis are treated over a period of four to six weeks in the potency D12 with three daily doses. For convalescence, Carbo vegetabilis is taken as a D30 potency once a day until the general condition has clearly stabilized.

Carbovegetable effect

Carbo vegetabilis acts on the respiratory tract, stomach and intestines, the nerves and the cardiovascular system.

Carbovegetabilis during pregnancy

Carbo vegetabilis regulates pregnancy-related digestive disorders such as diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn and nausea caused by smells.

The remedy is particularly recommended if additional circulatory problems and general weakness occur. Pregnant women with weak connective tissue can be treated with carbo vegetabilis if pregnancy varices appear.

During childbirth, the remedy is given for exhaustion-related contractions. It is also available to support convalescence after childbirth.

Carbo vegetabilis for the baby

The homeopathic remedy is helpful for babies who are very sensitive to cold and who remain cold and feel cold even when wrapped up warm in bed.

It is also used to treat diaper rash when the skin in the diaper area is sore.
Carbo vegetabilis is an effective remedy for babies who are sensitive to milk. They suffer from belching, vomiting and painful flatulence after drinking the milk.

Carbo vegetabilis for dogs, horses and cats

States of weakness that occur after a long-lasting or not completely healed illness are often treated with carbo vegetabilis in animals. The skin of the animals feels ice cold. The eyes are sunken and dull.

Another area of ​​application is indigestion. The animals suffer from a bloated stomach and painful flatulence. The feces of the animals are thin, foul-smelling and make the region of the anus sore.

Side effects of carbo vegetabilis

There are no known side effects of Carbo vegetabilis. The remedy should not be combined with the homeopathic remedies Arsenicum album, Ambergris and Camphora.

Side Effects


Cyclamen and carbo vegetabilis are similar in terms of indigestion, which is aggravated by fatty foods. However, cyclamen does not have the aggravation in the warm room.


Carbo vegetabilis, Graphites shows an aggravation of digestive problems after eating fatty foods. Graphites is indicated for persistent stomach pains, aggravation in a warm room and relief after consuming warm food and drink.

Typical potencies: The potencies D6, D12, C30 and C200 are primarily used.

fabric type: Hardwood charcoal


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