Latrodectus Mactans in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Latrodectus mactans? In homeopathy, Latrodectus mactans is used to treat angina pectoris, circulatory disorders, thrombosis and symptoms accompanying a heart attack. The symptoms that occur are very similar to those of a spider bite. Leading symptoms Angina pectoris with pain in left arm radiating to fingers causing coldness and numbness screaming in pain anxiety The whole body is … Read more

Luesinum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Luesinum? Homeopathic Luesinum is used for diseases that are chronic over a long period of time and are characterized by great physical and mental deterioration. Dementia or dementia -like conditions are treated, rheumatic complaints and stubborn skin rashes. It is suitable for children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and ADHD. Luesinum is used where other remedies fail. Leading symptoms forgetfulness nervousness anxiety Lack of … Read more

Lobelia Inflata in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Lobelia inflata? Homeopathically potentised, Lobelia inflata helps with acute vomiting, morning sickness and stomach cramps. It is used for shortness of breath and coughing as well as for relieving nervous side effects of nicotine withdrawal. Lobelia inflata is one of the rarely used homeopathic remedies.It requires a prescription up to and including potency D3. Leading symptoms nausea … Read more

Lac Defloratum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is lac defloratum? Like all homeopathic remedies from the “milk remedies” group, Lac defloratum is used to treat allergies. It is specifically aimed at patients with hypersensitivity to cow’s milk and their diverse symptoms such as neurodermatitis, digestive disorders, headaches and respiratory diseases. The area of ​​application is aimed more at female than at male patients. The drug should continue to … Read more

Lithium Carbonicum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is lithium carbonicum? Lithium carbonicum is mainly indicated for joint diseases, especially arthritis of the hip joints. However, the remedy has also proven its worth in arthritic diseases with nodule formation in other joints. Furthermore, Lithium carbonicum is often used for gastric acidification. Leading symptoms Vertical hemi-blindness gout Knotty, tightened finger joints arthritis Headache better while eating angina pectoris Gastric … Read more

Lac Caninum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Lac caninum? The homeopathic remedy Lac caninum is suitable for very anxious people. It is used for depressive disorders as well as for the treatment of sore throats, tonsillitis and breast infections and menstrual cramps. It is used for migraine headaches and rheumatic limb/muscle pain. Wandering, mutual complaints are typical.Lac canium is one of the rarely used homeopathic remedies. Leading … Read more

Potassium Iodate in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is potassium iodate? Potassium iodatum is given in homeopathy for people with an increased tendency to catch colds and a weakness of the immune system, for a stubborn cough, chronic and asthmatic bronchitis. It is also used for diseases of the supporting and musculoskeletal system. The remedy has also proven itself in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Leading symptoms … Read more

Creosotum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is creosotum? Its antiseptic and antiparasitic effect makes Kreosotum a rarely used, but very effective homeopathic remedy for itching, ulcers, skin inflammation and bedwetting. Kreosotum is used for suppurating and rupturing inflammation of the mucous membranes in the vagiena, cervix and uterus. The secretions are foul-smelling and cause itching and swelling; contact with leaking blood or urine causes skin irritation. Leading symptoms inflammation … Read more

Potassium Chlorate in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is potassium chloratum? Homeopathy is based on takes the advantage of the positive effect of potassium chloratum in inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane and rheumatic complaints. These include, in particular, inflammation of the bursa in the knee joint and other whole-body inflammation in the body that is accompanied by white or gray mucus. Leading symptoms Respiratory infections with white, … Read more

Kalmia in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Kalmia? Kalmia is used in homeopathic pain treatment. The main areas of application are infectious heart muscle or pericarditis, also angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias. It is used for heart enlargement and complaints that have developed as a result of rheumatic diseases. Kalmia is also used for rheumatic and neuralgic complaints. These include arthritis, muscle and joint rheumatism, … Read more