Rhododendron in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

The homeopathic remedy Rhododendron is obtained from the plant Rhododendron chrysantum or yellow rhododendron, a shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family. This is the remedy of choice for all those whose rheumatic or neuralgic pains are accentuated as the storm approaches, when the atmosphere is charged with electricity. Rhododendron: features of the plant Rhododendron chrysantum is … Read more

Hamamelis in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

The homeopathic remedy Hamamelis is obtained from the fresh bark of the branches and the surface layer of the root of witch hazel, a plant native to North America that today also grows in Europe. The astringent hemostatic properties of its bark make Hamamelis an excellent remedy for hemorrhages, bruises and bruises. witch hazel: history … Read more

Celandine (Chelidonium majus) in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

Celandine (Chelidonium majus), a plant from which the homeopathic remedy Chelidonium is obtained, belongs to the Papaveraceae family and is known for its antispasmodic, cholagogue and choleretic properties. The field of action of this remedy is mainly disorders of the liver and bile. Chelidonium majus: plant Celandine is a herbaceous plant of the Papaveraceae family native to Europe … Read more

Mercurius solubilis in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis is obtained from mercury, the well-known liquid metal at room temperature. In Homeopathy it is used in case of pathologies characterized by excessive and foul-smelling secretions as in some disorders of the throat and mouth, with involvement of the corresponding lymph nodes. Mercurius solubilis: properties and curiosities Mercury, also called quicksilver because … Read more