What is Lapsang Souchong Tea?

We are sure that you have heard of Lapsang Souchong tea. Today we are going to talk about this peculiar tea, one of our favorites, which leaves no one indifferent since you love it or hate it. it is a tea with personality and ideal for breakfast either alone or with milk. Lapsang souchong is a black tea originating in the Wuyi region of the Chinese province … Read more

What is Dragon Pearl Tea

Have you ever heard of dragon pearl tea? Have you ever seen some curious tea pearls? What are those little balls so attractive and seductive? Maybe not, but I’m pretty sure you know or have tried the famous Chinese jasmine green tea. Well, Dragon Pearl tea or also called Dragon Phoenix Jasmine Pearls is a delight of Chinese jasmine tea, made manually from … Read more

Red Tea Fermentation: all you need to know

Red tea is the only type of tea that undergoes true microbial fermentation and not oxidation like black or oolong teas. The main characteristic and what makes it so special is that it is a fermented tea. But what does it mean that it is a fermented tea? All teas come from the same tree: Camellia … Read more

What is gyokuro tea?

Gyokuro tea is one of those most appreciated teas in Japan. What is it that makes him appreciated in Japan? Japanese  teas are mostly  green teas. They are softer and more delicate teas than black teas and are great favorites in Asian countries. Within Japanese teas there is a great variety of classes:  Matcha ,  Gyokuro ,  Sencha , Gebalong, Genmmaicha, Kokeicha, Kukicha, Sincha, Amacha, etc. All … Read more

Oolong Tea or Blue Tea: All you need to know

There is a type of tea called Oolong or blue tea. But is it blue? What makes it different from the well-known green, red or black teas. As you know, all teas come from the same Camellia Sinensis tree and depending on the way its leaves are processed, different categories of tea are obtained: white tea, green tea, black tea, red tea and Oolong. Oh by the way! It’s … Read more

Types of red tea

There are many types of PuErh red tea and many times we do not understand them and it makes us think that we do not know what we want to drink. However, as in many subjects, it is very easy to understand if it is explained to you well. We will help you better understand the wonderful … Read more

Is Milky Oolong a milk tea?

No! Milky Oolong is a wonderful variety of blue tea or Oolong A tea with milk is a typically Anglo-Saxon infusion where a “little cloud” of milk is added to a freshly brewed tea. There is a variety, which consists of infusing the tea directly into the milk. Many years ago when we heard about this … Read more

What is Christmas Tea?

christmas tea Tea and Christmas seem like two very different concepts, however, there is something that unites them in Christmas Tea. But what is Christmas tea? Why is he so famous? What makes you different? Don’t worry, We will explain it to you. What is Christmas Tea? Christmas tea is not a specific product but a kind of tea that is … Read more

What is Genmaicha tea?

Genmaicha is the Japanese name for a mixture of green tea and toasted cereals, basically rice. Let’s break down the definition and you’ll see how wonderful: Japanese: Its origin is Japanese and Japanese green teas are characterized by their intense sweet and vegetable flavor coming from the steam processing technique, compared to Chinese teas. Green tea blend: We … Read more

What is mulled wine?

If you have visited the Christmas markets in Germany, North and Central Europe, you will have known the mulled wine that is drunk in them. But what is it, how is it done? and how is it taken? Let’s go to the mess! What is mulled wine? Mulled wine is a typical drink from the Nordic and … Read more