Moringa infusion: properties, benefits, recipe

You probably don’t know what moringa is yet. Don’t worry, today we are going to talk about a little-known plant in this part of the world but which is given many uses related to health, gastronomy and even livestock and water purification in the places where it is grown. . In this article, we are going … Read more

Infusions that help you relax

Stress is one of the great evils of our time. Its causes are varied, although it is true that work is usually a related reason. Different specialized sources indicate that 3 out of 10 Spaniards suffer from constant stress at work. Unfortunately, the roots of the stress problem cannot be solved with an infusion, but its symptoms … Read more

Linden tea: properties, benefits, recipe

Linden tea is one of the most recommended infusions to relax and fall asleep. In fact, is there anything more common than a grandmother offering linden tea to calm the nerves? Linden tea, also called linden tea, is made from the flowers of the tree of the same name. For this reason, although we know it as … Read more

The best flower flavored teas

Combinations of aromatic teas and flowers are not a current invention. In fact, its birth is believed to have occurred hundreds of years ago in ancient China. In this country, there is a great related tradition and it is possible to taste an incredible variety of teas flavored with all kinds of flowers. Keep in mind that when we … Read more

Guayusa, the energizing infusion of the Amazon: properties, benefits, recipe

Guayusa is a tree native to the Amazon rainforest that can reach 30 meters in height. Traditionally, its leaves are collected to, after drying, make a drink with stimulating, antioxidant and revitalizing properties. Now, why has the guayusa infusion become popular? Simply because it contains caffeine, vitamins and minerals. The most interesting thing about drinking it is its stimulating … Read more

Tea ceremonies around the world

Tea is intimately linked with the culture of many Asian countries. In places like China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan there are complex rituals known as tea ceremonies. These occasions combine tea consumption with social and even spiritual aspects.  Attending a tea ceremony is an excellent way to get a glimpse of these ancient cultures. Join us on this journey … Read more

Teas to sleep like a baby

Nowadays, we are exposed to a number of daily worries. Politics, economics, security and illnesses are themes that haunt us even in our dreams… when we manage to sleep. An investigation indicates that adults suffer from some problem related to sleep at some point in their lives. If you find yourself in this group, don’t worry! We … Read more

Tea flowers: all you need to know

Have you heard of tea flowers? It is a true spectacle for the senses. Although they have a great impact from a visual point of view, it is undeniable that their aroma and flavor are also capable of conquering the strictest tea lovers. Continue reading and discover everything about tea flowers, a different way of consuming infusions … Read more

What properties does black tea have?

Beyond being a classic for breakfast and snacks, the properties of black tea for health make it especially recommended.  Black tea is made from the leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis, and unlike other varieties, it goes through a particularly long oxidation process. Dark in color in the cup, with a strong aroma and flavour, black … Read more

Infusions in lactation

If you like infusions, one of the big questions that may arise during breastfeeding is which ones are safe and which ones are not. It is very important that, at the time of breastfeeding, you pay attention to the compatibility of the food you eat with breastfeeding because, as happens during pregnancy, everything you eat will … Read more