Senna infusion, an effective natural laxative: properties, benefits, recipe

Senna is an herb that has been used since time immemorial to make medicine. In fact, many over-the-counter laxatives have it among their components. In addition to constipation, senna is often used to cleanse the intestines before carrying out a colonoscopy, to treat anal fissures and also against irritable bowel syndrome. If you’re wondering if this … Read more

List of infusions that you can and cannot take during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are many foods and drinks that are contraindicated because they could be harmful to the baby. This happens with fish and raw meat, excessively sugary drinks and foods, and also with some infusions. Now, which ones can you take and which ones can’t? Below, we offer you a list of totally safe infusions for … Read more

Infusions to combat the effects of stress

Stress is a common denominator of our lives. We are used to living with it, always running from one place to another, trying to balance our personal and professional lives, sometimes successfully and sometimes without it. Do you suffer from headaches? Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you forget things frequently? These, along with poor concentration, low energy, … Read more

Infusions that aid to lower cholesterol

Do you suffer from cholesterol and would you like to help control it naturally? Some infusions can help lower your blood cholesterol levels.  Discover below several plants whose properties have been studied to improve this problem and reduce this great risk marker for cardiovascular disease. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that can be … Read more

Melissa infusion: good for relaxation and much more

How many times has your grandmother recommended that you drink a cup of lemon balm tea to relax when you feel anxious or stressed? Without a doubt, this is one of the most famous properties of this plant, but it has many more! Lemon balm, also called lemon balm or lemongrass, is an herb of the lamiaceae family … Read more

Anise infusion for stomach problems: properties, benefits, uses

Anise is a plant used since time immemorial to treat different disorders, such as stomach problems, menstrual cramps and lack of sexual appetite, among others. There are many civilizations, among them: the Egyptians, Hindus, Chinese, Romans and Greeks, who have taken advantage of its health benefits, but where does anise come from? What are its properties? … Read more

Valerian infusion: properties, benefits, uses

The name valerian comes from the Latin “valere”, a word meaning health or strength, therefore associated with well-being. Valerian is highly valued for its effects on the nervous system. Among other things, it is considered a natural sedative with properties similar to other relaxing infusions, such as chamomile or lemon balm. Properties of valerian infusion Since the … Read more

Types of tea: properties, myths and realities

All types of tea are made from the leaves of the tea plant. However, this magical starting ingredient gives rise to a tremendous variety of preparations. This humble leaf is made according to different traditions in many parts of the world to achieve very different results in terms of aroma, body and also health benefits. Join … Read more

Green Tea: The Beginner’s Guide

Green tea is the king of beverages in many Asian countries. Its consumption began in China thousands of years ago and spread with Buddhism to neighboring countries such as Korea or Japan. Tea was initially considered a medicinal drink and was intermingled with the culture and traditions of these countries. It later reached the West through trade … Read more

Infusions to stop diarrhea

The properties of plants to treat different problems related to the digestive system are well known, one of them is diarrhea.  If you are going to the bathroom too much, your stools are watery and you have stomach discomfort, you can take advantage of the proven properties of some infusions for diarrhea. We open our selection. Causes … Read more