How to make the perfect ginger tea

Ginger is a root widely used in gastronomy. Its spicy flavor makes it an ideal spice to give an extra flavor to all kinds of dishes. Loved by some, hated by others, ginger has a particular flavor that not everyone knows how to appreciate.  If you are one of the people who enjoy its characteristic flavor, continue … Read more

6 different iced tea recipes for the heat

Summer is here and with it, the craving for iced tea is renewed! This year, you can’t stop trying different iced tea recipes to beat the heat. Without a doubt, the most refreshing and healthy drink you can prepare at home. Also, depending on the type of tea you use to prepare it, even the youngest members of the … Read more

What does the science say about white tea for weight loss?

Every day it is more common to hear about tea as a supplement in diets to lose weight. In fact, a few years ago the fashion of drinking green tea as a dietary supplement exploded in the West and, today, much is heard about the use of white tea to lose weight. Now, does this statement have any … Read more

What is Japanese black tea?

Japan is a country famous for its infusions, mainly green tea, but did you know that it also produces black tea? Japanese black tea is less famous than the Indian and Chinese varieties; however, it is just as tasty and comforting. The country of the rising sun is a great producer of tea. While most of their tea … Read more

Tea infusions for heartburn that work best

If there is a common discomfort, that is heartburn. It appears after large feasts… but, also, without prior warning in the face of the consumption of certain apparently harmless foods.  Do you usually suffer from it? Then, you will be very happy to discover the best infusions for heartburn. Next, we will tell you which herbs that you … Read more

Can you drink green tea during pregnancy?

It seems that green tea is the new magic potion to improve health. It helps with weight loss, is loaded with antioxidants, and is delicious; So, can you drink green tea while pregnant? At first glance, everything would seem to be advantages. However, as you well know, during pregnancy some drinks and foods that are usually healthy and do … Read more

How to prepare the best iced tea and with which teas

We are used to drinking hot tea, no matter what variety it is. However, iced tea is gaining more and more ground because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to drink something refreshing on a hot summer day? The stimulating and, at the same time, relaxing properties of tea, two benefits that must be thanked for its content … Read more

Does green tea raise blood pressure?

One of the most common recommendations when suffering from hypertension is to minimize the consumption of tea, especially green tea, but does green tea really increase blood pressure? Below, we will try to answer this question with scientific information and, in addition, we will give you some tips on how to drink green tea to … Read more

The ideal temperature to prepare each tea

If there is an issue that tea drinkers do not reach a consensus on, it is what is the ideal temperature to prepare each tea. While some give great importance to varying the temperature of the water according to the type of tea you want to drink in order to correctly extract the flavor and aroma without … Read more

Clove infusion: properties, benefits, recipe

Clove is a spice that is present in many kitchens for the aroma and flavor it provides. Now, did you know that it is also possible to prepare an infusion of cloves and take advantage of its properties? Alternative medicine has been used for hundreds of years to relieve all kinds of ailments, such as toothaches, … Read more